The Malinau watershed in Northeast Kalimantan is essential for local communities both as a source of food and as a means of transport. The two main rivers sampled in this study Seturan and Rian rivers belong to the Malinau watershed. Seturan water catchment has high fish diversity (containes 47 f...
Rachmatika, I.
Nasi, Robert
Sheil, Douglas
Wan, M.
[A first look at the fish species of the middle Malinau: taxonomy, ecology, vulnerability and importance]
A first look at the fish species of the middle Malinau: taxonomy, ecology, vulnerability and importance
This book presents a technical review of ecological and life history information on a range of Bornean wildlife species, aimed at identifying what makes these species sensitive to timber harvesting practices and associated impacts. It addresses three audiences: 1) those involved in assessing and ...
Meijaard, E.
Sheil, Douglas
Nasi, Robert
Augeri, D.
Rosenbaum, B.
Iskandar, D.
Setyawati, T.
Lammertink, A.
Rachmatika, I.
Wong, A.
Soehartono, T.
Stanley, S.
O'Brien, T.
[Life after logging: reconciling wildlife conservation and production forestry in Indonesian Borneo]
Life after logging: reconciling wildlife conservation and production forestry in Indonesian Borneo
This book presents a technical review of ecological and life history information on a range of Bornean wildlife species, aimed at identifying what makes these species sensitive to timber harvesting practices and associated impacts. It addresses three audiences: 1) those involved in assessing and ...
Meijaard, E.
Sheil, Douglas
Nasi, Robert
Augeri, D.
Rosenbaum, B.
Iskandar, D.
Setyawati, T.
Lammertink, A.
Rachmatika, I.
Wong, A.
Soehartono, T.
Stanley, S.
O'Brien, T.
[Hutan pasca pemanenan: melindungi satwa liar dalam kegiatan hutan produksi di Kalimantan]
Hutan pasca pemanenan: melindungi satwa liar dalam kegiatan hutan produksi di Kalimantan
In order to maintain the high levels of biodiversity and the ecological functions of tropical forest landscapes in South East Asia, production forests need to be managed in a more sustainable way. Numerous initiatives already exist in the form of codes of practice, criteria and indicators, and ce...
Gustafsson, L.
Nasi, Robert
Dennis, R.A.
Nguyen Hoang Nghia
Sheil, Douglas
Meijaard, E.
Dykstra, D.P.
Priyadi, H.
Pham Quang Thu
[Logging for the ark: improving the conservation value of production forests in South East Asia]
Logging for the ark: improving the conservation value of production forests in South East Asia
A literature survey was conducted to assess animal responses to logging and evaluate the usefulness of bioindicators as tools to assess biodiversity conservation in logged tropical forests. The survey indicated that studies on the impact of logging on arthropods and herpetofauna are under-represe...
Azevedo-Ramos, C.
Carvalho, O. de
Nasi, Robert
[Animais como indicadores: Uma ferramenta para acessar a integridade biologica apos a exploraçao madeireira em florestas tropicais?]
Animais como indicadores: Uma ferramenta para acessar a integridade biologica apos a exploraçao madeireira em florestas tropicais?
A literature survey was conducted to assess animal responses to logging and evaluate the usefulness of bioindicators as tools to assess biodiversity conservation in logged tropical forests. The survey indicated that studies on the impact of logging on arthropods and herpetofauna are under-represe...
Azevedo-Ramos, C.
Carvalho, O. de
Nasi, Robert
[Animal indicators: a tool to assess biotic integrity after logging tropical forests?]
Animal indicators: a tool to assess biotic integrity after logging tropical forests?
Lescuyer, G.
Atyi, R.E.
Cerutti, P.O.
Nasi, Robert
Tshimpanga, P.
[Le secteur informel du sciage artisanal en RD Congo: L'enjeu d'une analyse nationale]
Le secteur informel du sciage artisanal en RD Congo: L'enjeu d'une analyse nationale