National Bean Programme
Two trials were conducted to screen germplasm for heat and drought tolerance. In the 1st, the performance of 25 genotypes under terminal drought stress was assessed. Lines A344, A268, A286, BAT 336, A442, BAT 477, Umvoti, and Domino were high-yielding (811, 750, 713, 717, 665, 659, 608, and 667 k...
Se realizaron 2 ensayos para seleccionar germoplasma por tolerancia al calor y a la sequia. En el primero, se evaluo el desempeno de 25 genotipos a estres de sequia terminal. Los genotipos con las producciones mas altas (kg/ha), tolerantes a calor y sequia, fueron A344 (811), A268 (750), A286 (71...
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National Bean Programme
[Drought research]
Drought research