El Módulo académico de capacitación virtual sobre los escenarios de cambio climático en Honduras fue desarrollado para el proyecto de la Tercera Comunicación de Cambio Climático en Honduras (3CNCCH) ante la Comisión Marco de las Naciones Unidas sobre Cambio Climático (CMNUCC).
El módulo y los es...
Córdoba Sánchez, Juana Marcela
Navarro-Racines, Carlos E.
Llanos-Herrera, Lizeth
Obando, Diego
Monserrate, Fredy
[Módulo académico de capacitación virtual: Escenarios de cambio climático en Honduras]
Módulo académico de capacitación virtual: Escenarios de cambio climático en Honduras
Navarro-Racines, Carlos E.
Tarapues Montenegro, Jaime Eduardo
Ramírez Villegas, Julián
[Abbreviations used in CCAFS climate]
Abbreviations used in CCAFS climate
Rice is the most important food crop in the developing world. For rice production systems to address the challenges of increasing demand and climate change, potential and on-farm yield increases must be increased. Breeding is one of the main strategies toward such aim. Here, we hypothesise that c...
Ramírez Villegas, Julián
Heinemann, Alexandre B.
Pereira de Castro, Adriano
Breseghello, Flávio
Navarro-Racines, Carlos E.
Li, Tao
Rebolledo, María Camila
Challinor, Andrew J.
[Breeding implications of drought stress under future climate for upland rice in Brazil]
Breeding implications of drought stress under future climate for upland rice in Brazil
Global Climate Models (GCMs) have been the primary source of information for constructing climate scenarios, and they provide the basis for climate change impacts assessments of climate change at all scales, from local to global. However, impact studies rarely use GCM outputs directly because err...
Navarro-Racines, Carlos E.
Tarapues JE
[Bias-correction in the CCAFS-Climate Portal: A description of methodologies]
Bias-correction in the CCAFS-Climate Portal: A description of methodologies
Navarro-Racines, Carlos E.
Tarapues, Jaime E.
Ramírez Villegas, Julián
Jarvis, Andy
[Proyecciones de cambio climático para evaluación de impacto sobre cultivos]
Proyecciones de cambio climático para evaluación de impacto sobre cultivos
In order to characterize the historical climate for the Western Honduras region, it was developed monthly surfaces by years through spatial interpolation and available records of weather stations. The interpolated surfaces were generated at 1-km of spatial resolution (30 arc-seconds) for monthly ...
Llanos-Herrera, Lizeth
Navarro-Racines, Carlos E.
Valencia Gómez, Jefferson
Monserrate, Fredy
Vallejo Quintero, Marcela Alejandra
[30 Arc-Second Historical and Future Scenario Climate Surfaces for Western Honduras]
30 Arc-Second Historical and Future Scenario Climate Surfaces for Western Honduras
Imbach, Pablo
Fung, Emily
Hannah, Lee
Navarro-Racines, Carlos E.
Roubik, David W.
Ricketts, Taylor H.
Harvey, Celia A.
Donatti, Camila I.
Läderach, Peter
Locatelli, Bruno
Roehrdanz, Patrick R.
[Replication Data for: Coupling of pollination services and coffee suitability under climate change]
Replication Data for: Coupling of pollination services and coffee suitability under climate change
The gridded yearly climate data (5-year moving averages) were developed from weather station observations (from IDEAM and Cenicafe) for the period 1980 to 2010, at 500 m spatial resolution, for monthly precipitation, monthly minimum temperature and maximum temperature, following the method of Hij...
We used 500m gridded historical and future climate surfaces for Risaralda, Colombia and coffee presences and absences to train species distribution models (suitability). Five methods were used: Generalized Boosting Model (GBM) (Friedman, 2001), Random Forest (RF) (Breiman, 2001), Maxent (Phillips...
Vallejo Arango, Eliana
Navarro-Racines, Carlos E.
Ramírez Villegas, Julián
Aguilar-Ariza, Andrés
Delerce, Sylvain Jean
[500m gridded surfaces for changes in climate suitability for coffee production in Risaralda, Colombia]
500m gridded surfaces for changes in climate suitability for coffee production in Risaralda, Colombia
Coffee is grown in more than 60 tropical countries on over 11 million ha by an estimated 25 million farmers, most of whom are smallholders. Several regional studies demonstrate the climate sensitivity of coffee (Coffea arabica) and the likely impact of climate change on coffee suitability, yield,...
Läderach, Peter
Ramírez Villegas, Julián
Navarro-Racines, Carlos E.
Zelaya, Carlos
Martínez Valle, Armando Isaac
Jarvis, Andy
[Climate change adaptation of coffee production in space and time]
Climate change adaptation of coffee production in space and time