Common bean, (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) generally grown as a subsistence crop for home consumption is fast becoming a commercial crop sold by farmers for income. The call for bean transformation comes at a time when the population is increasing and the demand for bean grains and bean products is at ...
Nchanji, Eileen Bogweh
[Bean transformation in Africa: where are we and where are we going?]
Bean transformation in Africa: where are we and where are we going?
The call for a bean transformative agenda is led by the Pan-African Bean Alliance (PABRA). It aims to position common bean as a commercial crop, though it is still grown for home consumption. They have designed and put in place gender sensitive interventions aimed at increasing women and youths a...
Nchanji, Eileen Bogweh
[The future of women and youths in the bean transformation agenda in Sub-Saharan Africa]
The future of women and youths in the bean transformation agenda in Sub-Saharan Africa
The socio-cultural, economic and political environment over time has shaped and is still re-shaping gender roles, participation, decision making and benefit sharing in farming households in Africa. The pictures below are a reflection of the labour division by women, men and youths on farm and at ...
Nchanji, Eileen Bogweh
[Pictorial snapshot of the different roles men and women play along the bean value chain in Africa]
Pictorial snapshot of the different roles men and women play along the bean value chain in Africa
Nchanji, Eileen Bogweh
[The history of gender and plant breeding in CIAT/PABRA: where are we? And where are we going?]
The history of gender and plant breeding in CIAT/PABRA: where are we? And where are we going?