To mimic catastropic disturbances which have favored the establishment of natural stands rich in mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla), two 5000 square meter clearings were established in each locations using each of three treatments: complete felling; slash and burn; machine-clearing with uprooted al...
Snook, L.K.
Negreros-Castillo, P.
[Regenerating mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla King) on clearing in Mexico's Maya forest: the effects of clearing method and cleaning on seedling survival and growth]
Regenerating mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla King) on clearing in Mexico's Maya forest: the effects of clearing method and cleaning on seedling survival and growth
To mimic catastrophic disturbances which favor the natural regeneration of mahogany, eight 5000 m2 clearings were established in production forests in Quintana Roo, Mexico using each of three treatments: complete felling; slashing, felling and burning; or machine-clearing, which uprooted all prio...
Snook, L.K.
Negreros-Castillo, P.
[Patch clearcutting to regenerate mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla King) and sustain forest value in the Mayan ejidos of Mexico [poster]]
Patch clearcutting to regenerate mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla King) and sustain forest value in the Mayan ejidos of Mexico [poster]
Snook, L.K.
Negreros-Castillo, P.
Camara-Cabrales, L.
O'Connor, J.
Toledo-Sotillo, M.
Chow, J.
Cohen, J.
Buppert, G.
Robinson, C.
Zukerberg, M.
[Sosteniendo la mara (Swietenia macrophylla King): nuevos conocimientos sobre su regeneración en la Selva Maya [poster]]
Sosteniendo la mara (Swietenia macrophylla King): nuevos conocimientos sobre su regeneración en la Selva Maya [poster]
Valdéz Hernandez, M.
Sánchez, O.
Islebe, G.A.
Snook, L.K.
Negreros-Castillo, P.
[Recovery and early succession after experimental disturbance in a seasonally dry tropical forest in Mexico]
Recovery and early succession after experimental disturbance in a seasonally dry tropical forest in Mexico
Honduras or bigleaf mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla King) is the most commercially important timber species in the Neotropics, but it often does not regenerate successfully after harvesting. Effective methods are needed to sustain mahogany yields by increasing regeneration. This study evaluates t...
Negreros-Castillo, P.
Snook, L.K.
Mize, C.W.
[Regenerating mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla) from seed in Quintana Roo, Mexico: the effects of sowing method and clearing treatment]
Regenerating mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla) from seed in Quintana Roo, Mexico: the effects of sowing method and clearing treatment
Snook, L.K.
Camara-Cabrales, L.
Toledo-Sotillo, M.
Negreros-Castillo, P.
López, C.
[La regeneracion de la caoba: frutos de 7 anos de investigacion colaborativa [brochure]]
La regeneracion de la caoba: frutos de 7 anos de investigacion colaborativa [brochure]
Ellis, E.A.
Kainer, K.A.
Sierra-Huelsz, J.A.
Negreros-Castillo, P.
Rodriguez-Ward, D.
DiGiano, M.
[Endurance and Adaptation of Community Forest Management in Quintana Roo, Mexico]
Endurance and Adaptation of Community Forest Management in Quintana Roo, Mexico