Presents a general description of pastoralist milk production from cattle in Africa, analyzing data on milk yield & offtake, lactation and milk composition under pastoralist conditions; briefly examines the use of milk from camels and smallstock by pastoralsits to complement their milk supply fro...
Presents results of a statistical analysis of data on 133 Borana calves & 8 cows to determine average birth weight, body weight at various ages, growth rates & growth curves of calves and milk offtake (milk taken for human use) and to estimate milk yield of cows (by adding milk offtake & milk int...
Nicholson, M.J.
[Calf growth, milk offtake and estimated lactation yields of Borana cattle in the southern rangelands of Ethiopia]
Calf growth, milk offtake and estimated lactation yields of Borana cattle in the southern rangelands of Ethiopia
Assesses the repeatability and reproducibility of a condition scoring system. Presents results from an analysis of sequential condition scoring of cattle over a dry season to show differences between treatments and trends over time.
Nicholson, M.J.
Sayers, A.R.
[Repeatability, reproducibility and sequential use of condition scoring of Bos indicus cattle]
Repeatability, reproducibility and sequential use of condition scoring of Bos indicus cattle
Comments on some of the issues raised in Mali research memo entitled "Notes on milk production in some West African pastoral systems", viz. changes in milk offtake/total milk production ratio during lactation and its effects on calf growth, lactation length and milk composition. Discusses effects...
Nicholson, M.J.
[Part I. Comments on Mali Research Memo no. 3. Part 2. Watering strategies in arid areas: Physiological and ecological implications]
Part I. Comments on Mali Research Memo no. 3. Part 2. Watering strategies in arid areas: Physiological and ecological implications
Presents a general description of pastoralist milk production from cattle in Africa, analyzing data on milk yield & offtake, lactation and milk composition under pastoralist conditions; briefly examines the use of milk from camels and smallstock by pastoralsits to complement their milk supply fro...