Overall birth rate 78%, overall twining rate 10%, average birth weight 3.6kg, stocking rate influences certain productions, e.g., a 75% increase in stocking rate decreased twinning by 46%, increased lamb losses by 186%; however, output from pastures in terms of lamb weaning weight was only 8% les...
King' Oku, J.M.
N'Thome, J.
Ogutu, E.
Rakoczi, G.
[15 Years' production data on Dorper sheep at Katumani Research Station, Machakos]
15 Years' production data on Dorper sheep at Katumani Research Station, Machakos
Dorper sheep weighed 8 kg more than Red Maasai at 1 year of age. Due to better growth rates and higher adult weight, Dorper consumed more pasture than Red Maasai. It has been calculated that in terms of percentage 83 Dorper breeding ewes and followers consume as much pasture as 100 Red Maasai bre...
Chemitei, V.C.C.
Makara, C.
Ogutu, E.
Owiti, J.
Rakoczi, G.
[The production of Dorper, Red Masai, Dorper X Red Masai first cross and Dorper grade sheep at Ol Mogogo, Kenya, Estate]
The production of Dorper, Red Masai, Dorper X Red Masai first cross and Dorper grade sheep at Ol Mogogo, Kenya, Estate
Dorper weaners of about 9 months old at Katumani Research station in 1975 were divided in to 3 groups: Group I (20 males) 1 kg marc per day per head, Group II (20 males). 5 kg marc per day per head, control group (40 females) without marc. Pyrethrum marc may, because of its residual 0.08% pyrethr...
Allonby, E.
Kingoku, J.
Muhoya, K.
Muthoka, J.
Odhiambo, F.
Ogutu, E.
Preston, J
Rakoazi, G.
[Pyrethrum marc supplement feeding to Dorper weaners at Katumani research station, Machakos]
Pyrethrum marc supplement feeding to Dorper weaners at Katumani research station, Machakos