Le mals constitue l'une des principales cul-tures cerealieres dans Ie monde. II peut etre utilise pour l'aIimentation humsine et animale ainsi qu'it des fins industrielles. II existe de nombreuses methodes tradi-tionnelles et industrielles de transformation du mals. Les procedes industriels assur...
Okoruwa, A.
[Utilisation et transformation du mais: guide de recherche de lIita, No. 35]
Utilisation et transformation du mais: guide de recherche de lIita, No. 35
Hybrids adapted to West and Central Africa were developed by the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) in the 1980s, which enable the establishment of several private seed companies in Nigeria. Despite the superior agronomic performance of hybrids, farmers still prefer their trad...
Maziya-Dixon, B.B.
Kling, J.
Okoruwa, A.
[Physical, chemical, and water absorption characterisitics of tropical maize hybrids]
Physical, chemical, and water absorption characterisitics of tropical maize hybrids
Maize is of high important among the world's cereal crops. Maize can be used for human consumption, animal feed, and industrial purpose. Many traditional and industrial maize processing methods exist. Industrial processing includes wet and dry milling to produce a wide variety of products. Many m...