Based on social ecology, anthropological and policy research conducted on social dimension of natural resources management in Cameroon, this contribution liberates a given number of findings: 1. local communities in Cameroon have both an horizontal (practical) and a vertical (metaphysical) percep...
Oyono, P.R.
[Usages culturels de la foret au Sud-Cameroun: rudiments d'ecologie sociale et materiau pour la gestion du pluralisme]
Usages culturels de la foret au Sud-Cameroun: rudiments d'ecologie sociale et materiau pour la gestion du pluralisme
This paper examines Cameroon’s model of forest-management decentralisation by characterising its organisational infrastructure and by assessing – and anticipating – the ecological effects of those policy changes. The essay is based on nvironmental governance research conducted in Cameroon during ...
Oyono, P.R.
[The social and organisational roots of ecological uncertainties in Cameroon’s forest management decentralisation model]
The social and organisational roots of ecological uncertainties in Cameroon’s forest management decentralisation model
Since the mid-1990s, Cameroon has launched a process of decentralization of the management of its forests. Among other innovations, this decentralization process has transferred powers over forests and financial benefits accruing from their exploitation to local communities. This article explores...
Oyono, P.R.
[Profiling local-level outcomes of environmental decentralizations: the case of Cameroon’s forests in the Congo Basin]
Profiling local-level outcomes of environmental decentralizations: the case of Cameroon’s forests in the Congo Basin
Oyono, P.R.
[Assessing accountability in Cameroon's local forest management: are representatives responsive?]
Assessing accountability in Cameroon's local forest management: are representatives responsive?
Oyono, P.R.
[Incidences des mutations socio-economiques sur les activites economiques traditionnalles et sur l'ecosysteme forestier]
Incidences des mutations socio-economiques sur les activites economiques traditionnalles et sur l'ecosysteme forestier
Oyono, P.R.
Morelli, T.L
Sayer, Jeffrey A.
Makon, S
Djeukam, R.
Hatcher, J
Assembe-Mvondo, S.
Steil, M
Douard, P.
Bigombé, P
Kapa, F
Lima, R
Makak, J.S
Tessa, B
Mbouna, D
Feintrenie, L.
Nkoua, M
Ndikumagenge, C
Ntabirorere, S
Eyang, F.E.
[Affectation et utilisation des terres forestières: Evolutions actuelles, problèmes et perspectives]
Affectation et utilisation des terres forestières: Evolutions actuelles, problèmes et perspectives
Angu-Angu, K
Oyono, P.R.
Lescuyer, G.
Feintrenie, L.
Samndong, R.A
Endamana, D.
Assembe-Mvondo, S.
Eyebe, A
Walters, G
Le Bel, S
Fargeot, C.
Tsanga, R.
Kiyulu, J.
[Rural societies and multiple land use practices: perceptions of conservation and development projects within the framework of multiple land use systems in Central Africa]
Rural societies and multiple land use practices: perceptions of conservation and development projects within the framework of multiple land use systems in Central Africa
Oyono, P.R.
Morelli, T.L
Sayer, Jeffrey A.
Makon, S
Djeukam, R.
Hatcher, J
Assembe-Mvondo, S.
Steil, M
Douard, P.
Bigombé, P
Kapa, F
Lima, R
Makak, J.S
Tessa, B
Mbouna, D
Feintrenie, L.
Nkoua, M
Ndikumagenge, C
Ntabirorere, S
Eyang, F.E.
[Allocation and use of forest land: current trends, issues and perspectives]
Allocation and use of forest land: current trends, issues and perspectives
Angu-Angu, K
Oyono, P.R.
Lescuyer, G.
Feintrenie, L.
Samndong, R.A
Endamana, D.
Assembe-Mvondo, S.
Eyebe, A
Walters, G
Le Bel, S
Fargeot, C.
Tsanga, R.
Kiyulu, J.
[Les sociétés rurales et les pratiques d'utilisation multiple des terres: perception des projets de conservation et de développement dans le cadre des systèmes d'utilisation multiple des terres en Afrique centrale]
Les sociétés rurales et les pratiques d'utilisation multiple des terres: perception des projets de conservation et de développement dans le cadre des systèmes d'utilisation multiple des terres en Afrique centrale