When Germans colonized Cameroon in the nineteenth century, most of the ethnic groups living in the forest zone had already established territories. However, Germany then became the legal owner of land and forests. This brutal cohabitation of the new version of the state and customary systems of t...
Oyono, P.R.
[The foundations of the conflit de langage over land and forest in southern Cameroon]
The foundations of the conflit de langage over land and forest in southern Cameroon
Access to natural resource is governed by competition and conflicts all the over the world. Alternative approaches to conflict resolution require assets provided by social negotiation, mediation and other types of social tools. This paper is based on a case of conflict of access to forest and on ...
Assembe-Mvondo, S.
Oyono, P.R.
[An assessment of social negotiation as a tool of local management: a case study of the Dimako Council Forest, Cameroon]
An assessment of social negotiation as a tool of local management: a case study of the Dimako Council Forest, Cameroon
Among many other stakes, the economic stake derived from the exploitation of tropical forest resources is a burning issue. This is evidenced by insecurity in intergenerational access to forest resources and financial benefits relating to the latter, on the one hand, and by a deep iniquity at the...
Oyono, P.R.
Kouna, C.
Mala, W.A.
[Benefits of forests in Cameroon: global structure, issues involving access and decision-making hiccoughs]
Benefits of forests in Cameroon: global structure, issues involving access and decision-making hiccoughs
Based on social ecology, anthropological and policy research conducted on social dimension of natural resources management in Cameroon, this contribution liberates a given number of findings: 1. local communities in Cameroon have both an horizontal (practical) and a vertical (metaphysical) percep...
Oyono, P.R.
[Usages culturels de la foret au Sud-Cameroun: rudiments d'ecologie sociale et materiau pour la gestion du pluralisme]
Usages culturels de la foret au Sud-Cameroun: rudiments d'ecologie sociale et materiau pour la gestion du pluralisme