This chapter analyses the causes of deforestation and forest degradation in the Bolivian Amazon. The study predicated on the assumption that the factors involved have less to do with the forest sector itself than with events that take place within the country's political, economic, and social are...
This chapter analyses the model of decentralization of forest management in Bolivia, and assess its main outcomes. Though significant functions were delegated to municipalities regarding forest resources such as control of forest crime, monitoring of forest management, delimitation and allocation...
Pacheco, P.
[Municipalities and local participation in forest management in Bolivia]
Municipalities and local participation in forest management in Bolivia
Pacheco, P.
[Desentralisasi pengelolaan hutan di Bolivia: siapa yang memperoleh manfaat dan mengapa]
Desentralisasi pengelolaan hutan di Bolivia: siapa yang memperoleh manfaat dan mengapa
The Amazon basin and its rich forest has inspired much debate about its natural treasures, potential for economic development and the rights of its populations to exclusive benefits. This debate started in the 1970s and has continued ever since. The chapter points to some of the current key socia...
Jong, W. de
Borner, J.
Pacheco, P.
Pokorny, B.
Sabogal, C.
Benneker, C.
Cano, W.
Cornejo, C.
Evans, K.
Ruiz, S.
Zenteno, M.
[Amazon forests at the crossroads: pressures, responses and challenges]
Amazon forests at the crossroads: pressures, responses and challenges
Pacheco, P.
Paudel, N.S.
[La vinculación de las comunidades con los mercados forestales: analizando los beneficios de situaciones diversas]
La vinculación de las comunidades con los mercados forestales: analizando los beneficios de situaciones diversas
Dahal, G.R.
Larson, A.M.
Pacheco, P.
[Impactos de las reformas sobre los medios de vida, la condición de los bosques y la equidad]
Impactos de las reformas sobre los medios de vida, la condición de los bosques y la equidad
Pulhin, J.M.
Larson, A.M.
Pacheco, P.
[Las regulaciones como barreras a los beneficios comunitarios en las reformas de tenencia]
Las regulaciones como barreras a los beneficios comunitarios en las reformas de tenencia
Pacheco, P.
[La frontière agricole du Tropique bolivien: entre une situation héritée et les nouveaux défis]
La frontière agricole du Tropique bolivien: entre une situation héritée et les nouveaux défis
Galloway, G.
Katila, P.
Jong, W. de
Pacheco, P.
[Introduction to Part III and summary of the findings from the case studies]
Introduction to Part III and summary of the findings from the case studies