Describes the traditional grazing organisation of Maasai pastoralists inhabiting a newly formed group ranch in the Kajiado district of Kenya, Summarises livestock movements and land use practices. Shows cattle herd distribution in 1982 and 1983
Peacock, C.P.
[Herd movement on a Maasai group ranch in relation to traditional organisation and livestock development]
Herd movement on a Maasai group ranch in relation to traditional organisation and livestock development
Describes use of low - level aeral census in counting livestock in Kenya's Maasailand Group Ranches, concentrating on survey designs & efforts made to improve reliability of population estimates, Compares efficiency & precision of aerial & ground counts.
Presents findings of a trial carried out at Elangata Wuas in Tanzania to measure the liveweight development of 1101 goats and 547 sheep kept under ranch conditions, considering the influence of variables such as management system, sex, parity, birth type, season of birth and flock. Analyzes post-...
Wilson, R.T.
Peacock, C.P.
Sayers, A.R.
[Livestock production on Masai group ranches. 2. Growth and liveweight in goats and sheep at Elangata Wuas and the factors influencing them]
Livestock production on Masai group ranches. 2. Growth and liveweight in goats and sheep at Elangata Wuas and the factors influencing them
Examines the structure of the herds & flocks of a sample of 41 households on the three Maasai group ranches in Kenya, relating differences in herd structure to livestock wealth of the household, to the stage of development of the group ranch, & to the variation in climate and production alternati...
King, J.M.
Sayers, A.R.
Peacock, C.P.
Kontrohr, E.
[Maasai herd and flock structures in relation to livestock wealth, climate and development]
Maasai herd and flock structures in relation to livestock wealth, climate and development
Describes a two year study of sheep and goat production on Maasai group ranches in Kenya. Reviews measures of output used by ILCA and others, and assesses the advantage and disadvanteges of each type of measurement and proposes new indices of production and methods for analysis.
Describes the research approach adopted by an interdisciplinary ILCA team to study a pastoralist production system, summarizing the methodology & results of research on small ruminants' productivity in the Maasai pastoral system, and outlining dif. features of current smallstock research in Kenya...
Leeuw, P.N. de
Peacock, C.P.
[The productivity of small ruminants in the Maasai pastoral system, Kajiado District, Kenya. An introduction to current research]
The productivity of small ruminants in the Maasai pastoral system, Kajiado District, Kenya. An introduction to current research
Presents a sheep and goat production study carried out in the Kajiado district of Kenya at Elangata Wuas group ranch from July 1978 to February 1981. Discusses productivity (age at first parturition, parturition interval, weight gain), mortality (preweaning death) among different age & sex groups.
Peacock, C.P.
[Production d'ovins et de caprins au ranch collectif d'Elangata Wuas]
Production d'ovins et de caprins au ranch collectif d'Elangata Wuas
Presents a sheep and goat production study carried out in the Kajiado district of Kenya at Elangata Wuas group ranch from July 1978 to February 1981. Discusses productivity (age at first parturition, parturition interval, weight gain), mortality (preweaning death) among different age & sex groups.
Examines the productivity of goats and sheep on a Masai group ranch in Kenya including pre-weaning mortality and live weight of young. Considers environmental factors affecting the death rate. Constructs three productivity indices to identify a management system.
Wilson, R.T.
Peacock, C.P.
Sayers, A.R.
[Pre-weaning mortality and productivity indices for goats and sheep on a Masai group ranch in south-central Kenya]
Pre-weaning mortality and productivity indices for goats and sheep on a Masai group ranch in south-central Kenya
Presente la phase exploratoire d'une etude intensive de la structure de populations de moutons et chevres ainsi que de leurs performances de reproduction au cours de la derniere saison seche de 1983 dans le Gourma du Mali; avec une analyse detaillee de la demographie de la population animale, des...
Peacock, C.P.
[Phase exploratoire d'une etude des systemes de production animale dans le Gourma malien: donnees de base sur le cheptel caprin et ovin]
Phase exploratoire d'une etude des systemes de production animale dans le Gourma malien: donnees de base sur le cheptel caprin et ovin