We have systematized the effects associated with climate change on urban spaces in Chile reported between 2000 and 2012. The method was based on a review of scientific articles in three databases (Scopus, Web of Knowledge and Scielo) using 32 keywords. Only 14 research papers were found related t...
Se sistematizaron los efectos asociados al cambio climático sobre los espacios urbanos en Chile entre los
años 2000 y 2012. El método se basó en la revisión de artículos científicos en tres bases de datos (Scopus,
Web of Knowledge y Scielo) mediante el uso de 32 palabras claves. Los resultados mo...
Monsalves Gavilán, Pablo
Pincheira Ulbrich, Jimmy
Rojo, Félix
[Climate change and its effects on urban spaces in Chile: A summary of research carried out in the period 2000-2012]
Climate change and its effects on urban spaces in Chile: A summary of research carried out in the period 2000-2012
An evaluation was made of the dynamics of the dune systems of the coastal strip of the Araucanía region between 1994 and 2004, based on its morphological classification and degree of stabilization as evaluated from cartographic material, aerial photographs and investigation in the field. Eight fi...
Se evaluó la dinámica de los campos dunarios del borde costero de La Araucanía entre los años 1994 y 2004, usando para ello la clasificación morfológica y grado de estabilización, evaluado a partir de material cartográfico, fotografías aéreas y reconocimiento en terreno. Se delimitaron 8 campos d...
Peña Cortés, Fernando
Ailio, C.
Gutiérrez, P.
Escalona Ulloa, Miguel
Rebolledo Castro, Gonzalo
Pincheira Ulbrich, Jimmy
Rozas, D.
Hauenstein Barra, Enrique
[Morphology and dune dynamics in the coastal border of Araucania region in Chile : Background for conservation and territorial management]
[Morfología y dinámica dunaria en el borde costero de la región de la araucanía en chile : Antecedentes para la conservación y gestión territorial]
Morfología y dinámica dunaria en el borde costero de la región de la araucanía en chile : Antecedentes para la conservación y gestión territorial
We sampled the diversity of trees and shrubs, and built the rarefaction and accumulation species curve in 10 native forest fragments in southern Chile. Results indicated that: (1) there were 23 species in all sampled fragments, (2) species richness increased significantly with fragment size, (3) ...
Pincheira Ulbrich, Jimmy
Rau, J.R
Hauenstein Barra, Enrique
[Tree and shrub diversity in native rainforest fragments in southern Chile]
[Diversidad de árboles y arbustos en fragmentos de bosque nativo en el sur de Chile]
Diversidad de árboles y arbustos en fragmentos de bosque nativo en el sur de Chile
Knowledge about the diversity patterns of vascular epiphytes and vines in the Valdivian rainforest of South America between 2000 and 2010 was systematized. The method was based on the review of publications available in four electronic databases using keywords. The results showed 12 studies condu...
Pincheira Ulbrich, Jimmy
[Patrones de diversidad de plantas trepadoras y epifitas vasculares en el bosque lluvioso valdiviano de Sudamérica: Una síntesis entre los años 2000 y 2010]
[Diversity patterns of climbing plants and vascular epiphytes in the valdivian rain forest of South America: A synthesis between 2000 and 2010]
Diversity patterns of climbing plants and vascular epiphytes in the valdivian rain forest of South America: A synthesis between 2000 and 2010
Se relacionó el tamaño y forma de 10 fragmentos de bosque nativo con la riqueza de especies de árboles y arbustos en la precordillera costera de la provincia de Osorno, sur de Chile. Se ajustaron cuatro modelos de regresión (lineal, logarítmico, exponencial y potencial), entre el tamaño de fragme...
Pincheira Ulbrich, Jimmy
Rau, J.R
Peña Cortés, Fernando
[Patch size and shape and their relationship with tree and shrub species richness]
[Tamaño y forma de fragmentos de bosque y su relación con la riqueza de especies de árboles y arbustos]
Tamaño y forma de fragmentos de bosque y su relación con la riqueza de especies de árboles y arbustos
We classified 30 species of raptors in Chile using the technique proposed by Reca et al. (1994) and the conservation categories proposed by Grigera and Úbeda (2000). The results were obtained by means of an index that considers 12 variables that represent factors of importance for the survival or...
Pincheira Ulbrich, Jimmy
Rodas-Trejo, J.
Almanza, V.P.
Rau, J.R
[The conservation status of raptors in Chile]
[Estado de conservación de las aves rapaces de Chile]
Estado de conservación de las aves rapaces de Chile
A study was made of the geographic distribution of swamp forest in the coastal territory of the Araucanía Region, Chile. An analysis of maps, aerial photographs, and satellite images was carried out, together with field work, to determine the location, degree of fragmentation, shape of fragments ...
Peña Cortés, Fernando
Pincheira Ulbrich, Jimmy
Bertrán, Carlos
Tapia, Jaime
Hauenstein Barra, Enrique
Fernandez, Eduardo
[A study of the geographic distribution of swamp forest in the coastal zone of the Araucanía Region, Chile]
A study of the geographic distribution of swamp forest in the coastal zone of the Araucanía Region, Chile
Coastal dunes can offer a series of Ecosystem Services (ES), especially to local communities. This study aimed to evaluate these benefits by exploring the perception of the Mapuche communities and representatives of the local government concerning the ES provided by the coastal dune fields of the...
Arevalo Valenzuela, Pablo
Pena Cortes, Fernando
Pincheira Ulbrich, Jimmy
[Ecosystem services and uses of dune systems of the coast of the Araucania Region, Chile: A perception study]
Ecosystem services and uses of dune systems of the coast of the Araucania Region, Chile: A perception study
Pincheira Ulbrich, Jimmy
Mansilla, Elias Andrade
Pena Cortes, Fernando
Vergara Fernandez, Cristian
[Trees, shrubs and herbs of the coastal Myrtaceae swamp forest (Region de La Araucania, Chile): a dataset]
Trees, shrubs and herbs of the coastal Myrtaceae swamp forest (Region de La Araucania, Chile): a dataset
Knowledge about the diversity patterns of vascular epiphytes and vines in the Valdivian rainforest of South America between 2000 and 2010 was systematized. The method was based on the review of publications available in four electronic databases using keywords. The results showed 12 studies condu...
Pincheira Ulbrich, Jimmy
[Diversity patterns of climbing plants and vascular epiphytes in the Valdivian rain forest of South America: a synthesis between 2000 and 2010]
Diversity patterns of climbing plants and vascular epiphytes in the Valdivian rain forest of South America: a synthesis between 2000 and 2010