Information is provided on the most important agronomic aspects of the black bean production process in 3 municipalities in the Valle del Cauca (Ginebra, Cerrito, and Tulua), Colombia. Thirty-one bean production units of varying surface area and technology level were visited. Factors involved in ...
Infante O, M
Pinstrup-Andersen, Per
[Analisis agroeconomico del proceso de produccion de frijol en una zona altamente tecnificada: Valle del Cauca, Colombia]
Analisis agroeconomico del proceso de produccion de frijol en una zona altamente tecnificada: Valle del Cauca, Colombia
A methodology is presented on how to study bean production processes and its on-farm application in Colombia. The main objectives are to identify the factors limiting production and productivity, availability and use of resources, credit, technical assistance, markets, pest and weed distribution ...
Ruiz de Londoño, Norha
Infante, MA
Pinstrup-Andersen, Per
Sanders, J.H.
[Estudio agroeconomico del proceso de produccion de frijol (Phaseolus vulgaris) en Colombia]
Estudio agroeconomico del proceso de produccion de frijol (Phaseolus vulgaris) en Colombia
A survey of weeds and weeding practices was carried out by a team of agricultural economists and agronomists on 283 farms in 5 cassava-growing regions of Colombia at 3 times during a cropping season. From 71-78 percent of the weed species present were broad- leaved species. As cassava grew older,...
Doll, J.
Pinstrup-Andersen, Per
Díaz, R.O.
[An agro-economic survey of the weeds and weeding practices in cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) in Colombia]
An agro-economic survey of the weeds and weeding practices in cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) in Colombia
Díaz Duque, R.O.
Pinstrup-Andersen, Per
[Descripción agro-económica del proceso de producción de yuca en Colombia]
Descripción agro-económica del proceso de producción de yuca en Colombia
A survey was made of weed species, weed densities and common weeding practices on 3 visits during the growing season to some 300 farms in 5 cassava-growing regions of Colombia. Broadleaf weeds were the commonest in all regions (62-65 percent of the species); there was a shift to slightly more gra...
Díaz, R.O.
Pinstrup-Andersen, Per
Doll, J.
[Las malezas y su control en el cultivo de la yuca en Colombia]
Las malezas y su control en el cultivo de la yuca en Colombia