Suggested objectives of the agricultural economics program at CIAT are to collaborate in the allocation of research resources, improve the economic efficiency of cassava production and marketing, estimate the overall socioeconomic consequences of the adoption of improved technology in production ...
Pinstrup-Andersen, Per
[The role of CIAT in the international improvement of cassava: The agricultural economics input]
The role of CIAT in the international improvement of cassava: The agricultural economics input
Pinstrup-Andersen, Per
Ruiz de Londoño, Norha
[The potential contribution of agricultural production research to human welfare through improved nutrition: a case study]
The potential contribution of agricultural production research to human welfare through improved nutrition: a case study
Pinstrup-Andersen, Per
[The role of fertilizer in meeting developing countries' food needs]
The role of fertilizer in meeting developing countries' food needs
The CGIAR Task Force on Programmatic Alignment (TF1) held its first meeting on May 27 at GTZ, Eschborn, Germany. Participants were Per Pinstrup-Andersen Co-Chair), Paco Sereme (Co-Chair), Akin Adesina, Ruth Haug, Romano Kiome, Hamid Narjisse, Onesmo ole-MoiYoi, Ola Smith, and Manuel Lantin (Resou...
CGIAR Secretariat
Lanton, Manuel
Sereme, Paco
Pinstrup-Andersen, Per
[Summary Record of the First Meeting of the CGIAR Task Force (TF1) on Programmatic Alignment]
Summary Record of the First Meeting of the CGIAR Task Force (TF1) on Programmatic Alignment
Pinstrup-Andersen, Per
[Cost-benefit relationships in quality protein maize production]
Cost-benefit relationships in quality protein maize production
Díaz Duque, R.O.
Pinstrup-Andersen, Per
[Descripción agro-económica del proceso de producción de yuca en Colombia]
Descripción agro-económica del proceso de producción de yuca en Colombia
Flor Montoya, Carlos A.
Pinstrup-Andersen, Per
[Algunos modelos económicos para situaciones de riesgo y de incertidumbre: el caso del nitrógeno]
Algunos modelos económicos para situaciones de riesgo y de incertidumbre: el caso del nitrógeno
Pinstrup-Andersen, Per
[La situación actual y perspectivas de la demanda de carne porcina en América Latina]
La situación actual y perspectivas de la demanda de carne porcina en América Latina
The objectives of this study were to identify the major social and economic obstacles to the introduction and expansion of the production, marketing and human consumption of Opaque -2 maize in Colombia, to determine under what circumstances such an introduction and expansion might be feasible, an...
Pinstrup-Andersen, Per
[The feasibility of introducing opaque-2 maize for human consumption in Colombia]
The feasibility of introducing opaque-2 maize for human consumption in Colombia