Countries vary in their institutional technical and financial abilities to prepare for climate change in
agriculture and to balance food security, adaptation, and mitigation goals.Indicators for climate readiness provide guidance to countries and enable monitoring progress. Readiness assessments ...
Despite the recent transition to an industry and service sec- tors-led economy, agriculture still plays a fundamental role in Ghana. The sector comprises approximately 30 percent of the country’s GDP to date and employs approximately 50 percent of the population (10). The agricultural sector is b...
Pinto, Alex de
Demirag, U.
Haruna A
Koo, Jawoo
Asamoah M
[Climate change, agriculture, and food-crop production in Ghana]
Climate change, agriculture, and food-crop production in Ghana
Uncertainty and risk-aversion are notably absent in the modeling of farmers' adoption of climate change mitigation practices in developing countries even though most of the agricultural mitigation practices also have effects on yield variability. The objective of this paper is to explore the impl...
Pinto, Alex de
Robertson, Richard D.
Obiri BD
[Adoption of climate change mitigation practices by risk-averse farmers in the Ashanti Region, Ghana]
Adoption of climate change mitigation practices by risk-averse farmers in the Ashanti Region, Ghana
The 2015 Paris Agreement was adopted at the twenty-first session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 21) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). In the run-up to COP 21, most UNFCCC Parties put forward intended nationally determined contributions (INDCs), containi...
Pinto, Alex de
Loboguerrero Rodriguez, Ana María
Londoño, Mario
Ovalle Sanabria, Katherine
Suarez Castaño, Rodrigo
[Informing climate policy through institutional collaboration: reflections on the preparation of Colombia’s nationally determined contribution]
Informing climate policy through institutional collaboration: reflections on the preparation of Colombia’s nationally determined contribution
This brief summarizes an International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) report: The Economic Advantage: assessing the value of climate-change actions in agriculture. The report informs readers who seek to build economic evidence in support of the inclusion of actions on agriculture in cli...
Vermeulen, Sonja J.
Richards, Meryl
Pinto, Alex de
Ferrarese, Dino
Läderach, Peter
Lan, Le
Luckert, Marty
Mazzoli, Enrico
Plant, Laura
Rinaldi, Roberto
Stephenson, Jim
Watkiss, Paul
[The economic advantage: assessing the value of climate change actions in agriculture]
The economic advantage: assessing the value of climate change actions in agriculture
This report is aimed at readers who seek to build economic evidence in support of the inclusion of actions on agriculture in climate change plans and programmes, particularly at the national level under the umbrella of nationally determined contributions (NDCs) to the December 2015 Paris Agreemen...
Vermeulen, Sonja J.
Richards, Meryl
Pinto, Alex de
Ferrarese, Dino
Läderach, Peter
Lan, Le
Luckert, Marty
Mazzoli, Enrico
Plant, Laura
Rinaldi, Roberto
Stephenson, Jim
[The Economic Advantage: Assessing the value of climate-change actions in agriculture]
The Economic Advantage: Assessing the value of climate-change actions in agriculture
The agriculture sector has great potential to contribute to the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions through changes in agricultural management and land use. However, the technical potential for agricultural mitigation has yet to translate into actual emission reductions due to considerable con...
Bryan, Elisabeth
Pinto, Alex de
Ringler, Claudia
Asuming-Brempong S
Bendaoud M
Artur L
Givá N
Asenso-Okyere, K.
Sarpong DB
El-Harizi K
Rheenen, T. van
Ferguson J
Mai NN
Anh DT
[Institutions for Agricultural Mitigation: Potential and Challenges in Four Countries]
Institutions for Agricultural Mitigation: Potential and Challenges in Four Countries
Presentation by Alex De Pinto, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
International conference on agricultural emissions and food security: Connecting research to policy and practice
10-13 September 2018
Berlin, Germany
Pinto, Alex de
[A reductive interpretation of Climate-Smart Agriculture limits its positive effects]
A reductive interpretation of Climate-Smart Agriculture limits its positive effects
Agriculture is considered to be “climate-smart” when it contributes to increasing food security, adaptation and mitigation in a sustainable way. This new concept now dominates current discussions in agricultural development because of its capacity to unite the agendas of the agriculture, developm...
Neufeldt, Henry
Jahn, Molly M.
Campbell, Bruce M.
Beddington, J.R.
DeClerck, Fabrice A.J.
Pinto, Alex de
Gulledge, J
Hellin, J.
Herrero, Mario T.
Jarvis, Andy
LeZaks, D
Meinke, H
Rosenstock, Todd S.
Scholes, M
Scholes, Robert J.
Vermeulen, Sonja J.
Wollenberg, Eva K.
Zougmoré, Robert B.
[Beyond climate-smart agriculture: toward safe operating spaces for global food systems]
Beyond climate-smart agriculture: toward safe operating spaces for global food systems
Over the last 50 years, the global population has doubled. Despite this, food production has more than kept pace, resulting in a 24% increase in per capita world food production and a 40% reduction in food prices in real terms. While some progress has been made towards lowering the proportion of ...
Matthews R
Pinto, Alex de
[Should REDD+ fund sustainable intensification as a means of reducing tropical deforestation?]
Should REDD+ fund sustainable intensification as a means of reducing tropical deforestation?