The objective of REDD payment distribution mechanisms is to support policies and measures that reduce deforestation and degradation through transfer of revenues from international REDD funds or carbon markets to (or within) national levels. This may provide benefits of three types: a) shared resp...
Noordwijk, Meine van
Purnomo, H.
Peskett, L.
Setiono, B.
[Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD) in Indonesia: options and challenges for fair and efficient payment distribution mechanisms]
Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD) in Indonesia: options and challenges for fair and efficient payment distribution mechanisms
Kajian ini menganalisis pengalaman Indonesia dalam mengelola Dana Reboisasi (DR) dan meneliti sejumlah implikasinya bagi REDD+. Dana Reboisasi yang dibentuk pada tahun 1989 merupakan pendanaan hutan nasional yang dibayarkan oleh setiap pemegang Hak Pengusahaan Hutan berdasarkan volume kayu yang d...
Barr, C.
Dermawan, A.
Purnomo, H.
Komarudin, H.
[Tata kelola keuangan dan dana reboisasi selama periode Soeharto dan pasca Soeharto, 1989-2009: suatu analisis ekonomi politik tentang pembelajaran untuk REDD+]
Tata kelola keuangan dan dana reboisasi selama periode Soeharto dan pasca Soeharto, 1989-2009: suatu analisis ekonomi politik tentang pembelajaran untuk REDD+
Purnomo, H.
Irawati, R.H.
[Furniture and people: a photo journey from market to forest]
Furniture and people: a photo journey from market to forest
Perdagangan mebel dunia berkembang sangat pesat dan mencapai hampir 1,4 milyar dolar AS pada tahun 2010. Mebel dari kayu jati dan mahoni paling diminati di dunia karena alasan kekuatan dan estetika, dan Indonesia sebagai salah satu pemasok terbesar dunia, sangat berkepentingan dengan keberlanjuta...
Purnomo, H.
Irawati, R.H.
[Menunggang badai: untaian kehidupan, tradisi dan kreasi aktor mebel Jepara]
Menunggang badai: untaian kehidupan, tradisi dan kreasi aktor mebel Jepara
Multi-Criteria Analysis (MCA) is a decision-making tool developed for complex problems. In a situation where multiple criteria are involved confusion can arise if a logical, well-structured decision-making process is not followed. Another difficulty in decision making is that reaching a general c...
Mendoza, G.A.
Macoun, P.
Prabhu, R.
Sukadri, D.
Purnomo, H.
Hartanto, H.
[Guidelines for applying multi-criteria analysis to the assessment of criteria and indicators]
Guidelines for applying multi-criteria analysis to the assessment of criteria and indicators
Multi-Criteria Analysis (MCA) is a decision-making tool developed for complex problems. In a situation where multiple criteria are involved confusion can arise if a logical, well-structured decision-making process is not followed. Another difficulty in decision making is that reaching a general c...
Mendoza, G.A.
Macoun, P.
Prabhu, R.
Sukadri, D.
Purnomo, H.
Hartanto, H.
[Application de l’analyse multicritère à l’évaluation des critères et indicateurs]
Application de l’analyse multicritère à l’évaluation des critères et indicateurs
Multi-Criteria Analysis (MCA) is a decision-making tool developed for complex problems. In a situation where multiple criteria are involved confusion can arise if a logical, well-structured decision-making process is not followed. Another difficulty in decision-making is that reaching a general c...
Mendoza, G.A.
Macoun, P.
Prabhu, R.
Sukadri, D.
Purnomo, H.
Hartanto, H.
[Panduan untuk menerapkan analisa multikriteria dalam menilai kriteria dan indikator]
Panduan untuk menerapkan analisa multikriteria dalam menilai kriteria dan indikator
Sustainable development strategy urges that forest management be carried out in a participatory way. The importance of communities’ participation has been written into Indonesian Law no. 41 on Forestry (1999). However, how this law can be implemented in areas already allocated to a concession hol...
This study analyses Indonesia’s experience with its Reforestation Fund, and examines implications for REDD+. The Reforestation Fund (Dana Reboisasi, DR) is a national forest fund financed by a volume-based timber levy to support reforestation and forest rehabilitation. Since 1989, the fund has ha...
Barr, C.
Dermawan, A.
Purnomo, H.
Komarudin, H.
[Financial governance and Indonesia’s Reforestation Fund during the Soeharto and post-Soeharto periods, 1989–2009: a political economic analysis of lessons for REDD+]
Financial governance and Indonesia’s Reforestation Fund during the Soeharto and post-Soeharto periods, 1989–2009: a political economic analysis of lessons for REDD+