The objective of the symposium was to present the state of the art knowledge on the functioning of the Musa root system and its interrelationships with micro-organisms and pests, and to propose ways to improve root health. The papers present work done on cells as well as whole plants, and short-t...
Turner D.W.
Rosales, F.E.
International Network for the Improvement of Banana and Plantain
[Banana root system: towards a better understandingfor its productive management/Sistema radical del banano: hacia un mejor conocimiento para su manejo productivo: Proceedings of an international symposium held in San José, Costa Rica, 3-5 November 2003/Memorias de un simposio internacional, San José, Costa Rica, 3-5 noviembre 2003]
Banana root system: towards a better understandingfor its productive management/Sistema radical del banano: hacia un mejor conocimiento para su manejo productivo: Proceedings of an international symposium held in San José, Costa Rica, 3-5 November 2003/Memorias de un simposio internacional, San José, Costa Rica, 3-5 noviembre 2003
This document presents a strategy to rationalize the conservation of the banana gene pool and promote the safe use and distribution of a wide range of diversity, all the way to farmers fields.
Rosales, F.E.
Belalcázar Carvajal, S.
Pocasangre, L.E.
[Global conservation strategy for Musa (Banana and Plantain): A consultative document prepared in collaboration with partners in the Musa research-and-development community. March 2006.]
Global conservation strategy for Musa (Banana and Plantain): A consultative document prepared in collaboration with partners in the Musa research-and-development community. March 2006.
Rosales, F.E.
Belalcázar Carvajal, S.
Pocasangre, L.E.
[Producción y comercialización de banano orgánico en la Región del Alto Beni: Manual práctico para productores]
Producción y comercialización de banano orgánico en la Región del Alto Beni: Manual práctico para productores
This 265-page book gathers together 16 scientific articles presented during a meeting held in Costa Rica in July 1998 focusing on the production of environmentally sustainable and economically profitable banana and plantain. Participants from ten different countries provided information on the va...
Rosales, F.E.
Tripon, S.C.
Cerna, J.
International Network for the Improvement of Banana and Plantain
[Organic/environmentally friendly banana production: Proceedings of a workshop held at EARTH, Guacimo, Costa Rica, 27 - 29 July 1998]
Organic/environmentally friendly banana production: Proceedings of a workshop held at EARTH, Guacimo, Costa Rica, 27 - 29 July 1998
Rosales, F.E.
Pocasangre, L.E.
Trejos, J.
Serrano, E.
Pena, W.
[Guia de diagnostico de la calidad y salud de suelos bananeros]
Guia de diagnostico de la calidad y salud de suelos bananeros
Rosales, F.E.
Álvarez, J.M.
Vargas, A.
[Guia practica para la produccion de platano con atlas densidades: experiencias de America Latina y El Caribe]
Guia practica para la produccion de platano con atlas densidades: experiencias de America Latina y El Caribe