A tsetse control campaign was started in January 1991 using a synthetic pyrethroid cypermethrin `pour-on' applied monthly to cattle exposed to high levels of drug-resistant trypanosomes in the Ghibe valley of southwest Ethiopia. In December 1992, a cost-recovery scheme was introduced, and thereaf...
Rowlands, G.J.
Mulatu, W.
Leak, S.G.A.
Nagda, S.M.
D'Ieteren, G.D.M.
[Estimating the effects of tsetse control on livestock productivity - a case study in southwest Ethiopia]
Estimating the effects of tsetse control on livestock productivity - a case study in southwest Ethiopia
Cette etude examine la production de troupeaux bovins villageois principalement trypanotolerants, dans la region de Boundiali, au nord de la Cote d'Ivoire. Le but est d'evaluer la rentabilite de ce systeme de production dans une region affectee par la trypanosomose et d'identifier les principales...
Itty, P.
Rowlands, G.J.
Traub, D.
Hecker, P.
Coulibaly, L.
D'Ieteren, G.D.M.
[Etude economique de la production bovine villageoise dans une region du nord de la Cote d'Ivoire infestee par les glossines]
Etude economique de la production bovine villageoise dans une region du nord de la Cote d'Ivoire infestee par les glossines
Cattle raised in the Ghibe valley of southwest Ethiopia are exposed to medium to high levels of trypanosomiasis risk and are often given trypanocidal drugs. A benefit-cost analysis was undertaken to evaluate the financial and economic returns generated by cattle raised in the area under a systema...
Itty, P.
Swallow, B.M.
Rowlands, G.J.
Mulatu, W.
D'Ieteren, G.D.M.
[The economics of village cattle production in a tsetse infested area of southwest Ethiopia]
The economics of village cattle production in a tsetse infested area of southwest Ethiopia
In order to assess the effect of tsetse control on livestock productivity, 21 herds of cattle of N'Dama, Baoule and Zebu cross breeds in the region of Boundiali, northern Cote d'Ivoire, were monitored monthly for trypanosome prevalence, packed red cell volume (PCV), body weight and reproductive p...
Rowlands, G.J.
D'Ieteren, G.D.M.
Coulibaly, L.
Hecker, P.A.
Leak, S.G.A.
Nagda, S.M.
[Assessment of the effect of tsetse control on livestock productivity - a case study in northern Cote d'Ivoire]
Assessment of the effect of tsetse control on livestock productivity - a case study in northern Cote d'Ivoire
Tsetse populations and trypanosome prevalence in cattle were monitored from 1986 to 1993 in the Ghibe valley, south-west Ethiopia. From January 1991 to December 1993 between 2000 and 4000 cattle were treated at monthly intervals with a synthetic pyrethroid insecticide, cypermethrin (RS-alpha-cyan...
Leak, S.G.A.
Mulatu, W.
Rowlands, G.J.
D'Ieteren, G.D.M.
[A trial of a cypermethrin `pour-on' insecticide to control Glossina pallidipes, G. fuscipes fuscipes and G. morsitans submorsitans (Diptera: Glossinidae) in south-west Ethiopia]
A trial of a cypermethrin `pour-on' insecticide to control Glossina pallidipes, G. fuscipes fuscipes and G. morsitans submorsitans (Diptera: Glossinidae) in south-west Ethiopia
Trypansosome infections in approximately 110,000 tsetse of 12 species or subspecies, at sites in six African countries, were studied over various periods from 1983 to 1994. Infection rates ranged from 0.2 percent in Glossina fuscipes quanzensis Pires at a site in Zaire, to 18 percent in Glossina ...
Leak, S.G.A.
Rowlands, G.J.
[The dynamics of trypanosome infections in natural populations of tsetse (Diptera: Glossinidae) studied using wing-fray and ovarian ageing techniques]
The dynamics of trypanosome infections in natural populations of tsetse (Diptera: Glossinidae) studied using wing-fray and ovarian ageing techniques
Reports results of a study on the relationships between tsetse challenge and trypanosome prevalence in trypanotolerant and susceptible breeds of cattle. Presents data on tsetse challenge and trypanosome prevalence in N'Dama and Zebu cattle in Zaire, Gabon, Ethiopia and Cote d'Ivoire.
Leak, S.G.A.
Colardelle, C.
Coulibaly, L.
Dumont, P.
Feron, A.
Hecker, P.
D'Ieteren, G.D.M.
Jeannin, P.
Minengu, M.
Minja, S.
Mulatu, W.
Nankodaba, G.
Ordner, G.
Rowlands, G.J.
Sauveroche, B.
Tikubet, G.
Trail, J.C.M.
[Relationships between tsetse challenge and trypanosome prevalence in trypanotolerant and susceptible cattle]
Relationships between tsetse challenge and trypanosome prevalence in trypanotolerant and susceptible cattle
Presents preliminary results of a study of N'Dama cattle introduced in a metayage system in Zaire. Studies tsetse relative densities, tsetse challenge, corrected tsetse challenge, trypanosome prevalence and PCV in gallery forest, savanna woodland and grass savanna areas. Also presents data on fee...
Winckel, F. van
D'Ieteren, G.D.M.
Leak, S.G.A.
Maehl, J.H.H.
Minengu, M.
Nagda, S.M.
Ngamuna, S.
Rarieya, J.M.
Rowlands, G.J.
Thorpe, W.R.
Trail, J.C.M.
[Preliminary results of a study of N'Dama cattle introduced in a metayage system in Idiofa District, Zaire]
Preliminary results of a study of N'Dama cattle introduced in a metayage system in Idiofa District, Zaire
Approximately 90 village Ethiopian Highland Zebu cattle at Gullele in southwest Ethiopia were ear-tagged in March 1986 and they and their offspring monitored monthly until February 1996. In January 1991 a tsetse control campaign began using a synthetic pyrethroid cypermethrin pour-on applied mont...
Mulatu, W.
Rowlands, G.J.
D'Ieteren, G.D.M.
Leak, S.G.A.
Nagda, S.M.
[Productivity of cattle treated with cypermethrin 'pour-on' insecticide to control tsetse in southwest Ethiopia]
Productivity of cattle treated with cypermethrin 'pour-on' insecticide to control tsetse in southwest Ethiopia
Methods for determining the efficacy of animal health interventions involving vector-borne diseases when the intervention attempts to control the vector itself are described. There are a number of possibilities. For example, a before/after study can be undertaken when data collected following the...
Rowlands, G.J.
[Statistical issues in the design and analysis of animal health interventions for vector-borne disease]
Statistical issues in the design and analysis of animal health interventions for vector-borne disease