This paper discusses the socioeconomic, policy and ecological opportunities and constraints to the regeneration and management of secondary forests (SF) on small scale colonist farms in three Latin American countries. So far there has been little recognition of SF as a forest resource. Survey dat...
Smith, J.
Finegan, B.
Sabogal, C.
Ferreira, M. do S.G.
Siles, G.
Kop, P. van de
Díaz, A.
[Bosques secundarios y manejo integrado de recursos en la agricultura migratoria por colonos en Latinoamérica]
Bosques secundarios y manejo integrado de recursos en la agricultura migratoria por colonos en Latinoamérica
While slash-and burn farmers convert forest to agriculture, they also regenerate significant areas of secondary fallow forests on their farms. Under what conditions does secondary forest cover persist on slash-and-burn farms?. Survey data from Para, Brazil show that secondary forests accupy 20% o...
Smith, J.
Ferreira, S.
Kop, P. van de
Ferreira, C.A.P.
Sabogal, C.
[The persistence of secondary forests on colonist farms in the Brazilian Amazon]
The persistence of secondary forests on colonist farms in the Brazilian Amazon
The documented silvicultural experience in the Peruvian Amazon dates back several decades with methods such as enrichment plantings, open plantations, agroforestry systems and management of natural regeneration of some commercial timber species. However, much of the known experiences are barely d...
Nalvarte, W.
Sabogal, C.
Galvan, O.
Marmillod, D.
Angulo, W.
Córdova, N.
Colan, V.
[Silvicultura en la Amazonia Peruana: diagnostico de experiencias en la region ucanyali y la provincia de Puerto Inca]
Silvicultura en la Amazonia Peruana: diagnostico de experiencias en la region ucanyali y la provincia de Puerto Inca
The regeneration of secondary forests (SF) is a promising development within the generally pessimistic scenario of tropical deforestation. The objective of this paper was to document the regeneration of SF in slash and burn agriculture and to develop policy and technological recommendations for c...
Smith, J.
Kop, P. van de
Reategui, K.
Lombardi, I.
Sabogal, C.
Díaz, A.
[Dinamica del bosque secundario en agricultura de tumba y quema: interacciones entre tipos de uso dela tierra en la Amazonia peruana]
Dinamica del bosque secundario en agricultura de tumba y quema: interacciones entre tipos de uso dela tierra en la Amazonia peruana
This paper presents the results of nearly five years of research in one of the least disturbed dry forests in Nicaragua, the country with the largest proportion of dry forest areas in Central America. Floristic, structural and dynamic aspects of dry deciduous and gallery forest stands are present...
Sabogal, C.
Valerio, L.
[Forest composition, structure, and regeneration in a dry forest of the Nicaraguan Pacific coast]
Forest composition, structure, and regeneration in a dry forest of the Nicaraguan Pacific coast
Smith, J.
Ferreira, M. do S.G.
Kop, P. van de
Ferreira, C.A.P.
Sabogal, C.
[Cobertura florestal secundaria em pequenas propriedades rurais na Amazonia: implicacoes para a agricultura de corte e queima]
Cobertura florestal secundaria em pequenas propriedades rurais na Amazonia: implicacoes para a agricultura de corte e queima