Orellana Lastra, Ricardo
Sainte-Marie Hudson, M. Consuelo
Villouta Mery, Viviana
Wulff Becerra, Paulina.
The Chilean Ministry of Education has incorporated changes to the national curriculum and considered the taskbased approach as a plan to improve English teaching in the country. Due to grammar-based lessons, Chilean students do not develop language proficiency according to international standards...
El Ministerio de Educación chileno ha incorporado cambios al currículum nacional y ha considerado el enfoque basado en tareas como plan para mejorar la enseñanza del inglés en la nación. Debido a lecciones basadas en gramática, los estudiantes chilenos no desarrollan el dominio del lenguaje de ac...
Enlace original:
Orellana Lastra, Ricardo
Sainte-Marie Hudson, M. Consuelo
Villouta Mery, Viviana
Wulff Becerra, Paulina.
[Impact of the task-based approach on teenage EFL learners' motivation and oral performance in a private school in Chile]
Impact of the task-based approach on teenage EFL learners' motivation and oral performance in a private school in Chile