In the semiarid region of West and Central Africa, farmers traditionally cultivate different cowpea varieties for grain and fodder. However, the grain yield potential and the availability of good quality fodder is limited by several factors: insects, pests and diseases, low and erratic rainfall, ...
Inaizumi, H.
Singh, B.
Sanginga, P.
Manyong, Victor M.
Adesina, A.A.
Tarawali, Shirley A.
[Adoption and impact of dryseason dualpurpose cowpea in the semiarid zone of Nigeria]
Adoption and impact of dryseason dualpurpose cowpea in the semiarid zone of Nigeria
Most impact studies of agricultural technologies use economic models, with little direct attention being paid to the actual impact on the lives of resource-poor farmers. This paper uses a social impact assessment (SIA) framework to examine the level of adoption and impact of soybean on farm house...
Sanginga, P.
Adesina, A.A.
Manyong, Victor M.
Otite, O.
Dashiell, Kenton E.
[Social impact of soybean in Nigerias southern Guinea savanna]
Social impact of soybean in Nigerias southern Guinea savanna
Population pressure in the southern provinces of Benin has forced farmers to shorten or abandon the traditional bush fallow system. As a consequence, severe soil degradation and weed infestation constitute the most serious constraints to agricultural productivity. Mucuna fallow is one of the most...