The International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) and its research-for-development partners have made substantial contributions to food security, poverty reduction and environmental protection in sub-Saharan Africa. Technologies developed and largely diffused include high yielding variet...
Nkamleu, G.B.
Coulibaly, O.
Sanogo, D.
Manyong, Victor M.
Alene, Arega D.
[Ex post impact assessment of agricultural research in subSaharan Africa: the IITA experience]
Ex post impact assessment of agricultural research in subSaharan Africa: the IITA experience
This study was conducted in the two Assin districts of the Central region of Ghana to examine factors that influence the adoption of new banana (Musa spp.) hybrids and other production technologies and to assess the impact of these technologies on smallholder farmers’ livelihoods. One hundred thi...
Dzomeku, B.M.
Staver, Charles
Aflakpui, G.K.S.
Sanogo, D.
Garming, H.
Ankomah, A.A.
Darkey, S.K.
[Evaluation of the dissemination of new Banana (Musa spp.) Technologies in Central Ghana - the role of technology characteristics]
Evaluation of the dissemination of new Banana (Musa spp.) Technologies in Central Ghana - the role of technology characteristics
Des études antérieures ont prédis que le maïs deviendra une culture commerciale et assurera la sécurité alimentaire mieux que toute autre culture. Dans le Nord du Bénin par exemple, il vient en deuxième position après le coton en tant que culture de subsistance et de rente. Selon le Ministère de ...
Baco, M.N.
Abdoulaye, Tahirou
Sanogo, D.
Langyintuo, A.
[Caractérisation des ménages producteurs de maïs en zone de savane sèche au Bénin]
Caractérisation des ménages producteurs de maïs en zone de savane sèche au Bénin
This paper assesses the potential economic impacts of balanced nutrient management systemstechnology options: BNMS-manure, which combines inorganic fertilizer and organic manure,and BNMS-rotation, which is maize–soybean rotation, in maize-based systems in the northernGuinea savanna areas of Niger...
Akinola, Adebayo A.
Alene, Arega D.
Adeyemo, R.
Sanogo, D.
Olanrewaju, A.S.
[Economic impacts of soil fertility management research in West Africa]
Economic impacts of soil fertility management research in West Africa
As part of a major effort to address soil fertility decline in West Africa, a project on balanced nutrient management systems (BNMS) has been implemented in the northern Guinea savanna (NGS) of Nigeria. The project tested and promoted two major technology packages: a combinedapplication of inorga...
Akinola, Adebayo A.
Alene, Arega D.
Adeyemo, R.
Sanogo, D.
Olanrewaju, A.S.
[Impacts of balanced nutrient management systems technologies in the northern Guinea savanna of Nigeria]
Impacts of balanced nutrient management systems technologies in the northern Guinea savanna of Nigeria
Agricultural productivity in Africa from 1971 to 2000 is examined using the recently developed metafrontier function technique, for the purpose of studying differences in efficiency and technology gap across different regions of the continent. The results support the view that technology gap play...
Nkamleu, G.B.
Nyemeck, J.
Sanogo, D.
[Metafrontier analysis of technology gap and productivity difference in African agriculture]
Metafrontier analysis of technology gap and productivity difference in African agriculture
Maize is one of the three most important staple foods in Mali. Zones in the country with high potential for producing maize are limited to areas where the probability of drought risk is between 20 and 40%, meaning that recurring droughts have long handicapped maize production. In an attempt to al...
Fofana, M.
Abdoulaye, Tahirou
Coulibaly, N.
Sanogo, D.
Langyintuo, A.
[Characterization of maize producing households in the dry savanna of Mali]
Characterization of maize producing households in the dry savanna of Mali
Badu-Apraku, B.
Fakorede, M.A.B.
Menkir, A.
Sanogo, D.
[Conduct and management of maize field trials]
Conduct and management of maize field trials
Sanogo, D.
Olanrewaju, A.S.
[Presidential intiatives on cassava in Africa: case studies of Ghana and Nigeria]
Presidential intiatives on cassava in Africa: case studies of Ghana and Nigeria
Sanogo, D.
[Africas food status: implications and challenges in a changing world]
Africas food status: implications and challenges in a changing world