The term of biodiversity was first used un specialized conservation circles in the mid -1980's. In the decade that has elapsed it has moved to center-stage on the international agenda. The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), adopted at the Rio Summit in 1992 and now ratified by 169 countrie...
The world is moving towards knowledge-based societies. Economies are globalising. The global public goods value of forests is being recognised at the same time that traditional role of state forest agencies in production forestry is declining, in part being taken over by multi-national corporatio...
Byron, R.N.
Sayer, Jeffrey A.
[Forest science research needs and priorities for sustainable forest management]
Forest science research needs and priorities for sustainable forest management
Forests are a vital and productive resource able to contribute sustainably to the quality of human life in multiple ways. Human history is intimately linked with forests and virtually all of the world's forests have been modified or managed by human societies since time immemorial. Until recently...
Sayer, Jeffrey A.
[Biodiversity: treasures in the world's forests - concluding statement of the Forum]
Biodiversity: treasures in the world's forests - concluding statement of the Forum
Forestry is no longer just about ensuring sustained supplies of timber, non-timber products and wildlife, today a much wider range of local, regional and global values influence decisions on how to manage forests. Forests are central to debate on climatic change, water management and biodiversity...
In the Congo Basin, very large areas of species-rich forests exist in countries that are among the world's poorest. Decision makers and ordinary people in these countries are far more concerned about meeting short-term local and national needs than about long-term value of global biodiversity. Gi...
Sunderland, T.C.H.
Sayer, Jeffrey A.
Minh-Ha Hoang
[Introduction: evidence-based conservation from the Lower Mekong]
Introduction: evidence-based conservation from the Lower Mekong
Oyono, P.R.
Morelli, T.L
Sayer, Jeffrey A.
Makon, S
Djeukam, R.
Hatcher, J
Assembe-Mvondo, S.
Steil, M
Douard, P.
Bigombé, P
Kapa, F
Lima, R
Makak, J.S
Tessa, B
Mbouna, D
Feintrenie, L.
Nkoua, M
Ndikumagenge, C
Ntabirorere, S
Eyang, F.E.
[Affectation et utilisation des terres forestières: Evolutions actuelles, problèmes et perspectives]
Affectation et utilisation des terres forestières: Evolutions actuelles, problèmes et perspectives