Global risks of zoonotic disease are high on policy agendas. Increasingly, Africa is seen as a ‘hotspot’, with likely disease spillovers from animals to humans. This paper explores the social dynamics of disease exposure, demonstrating how risks are not generalised, but are related to occupation,...
Dzingirai, V.
Bett, Bernard K.
Bukachi, S.A.
Lawson, E.
Mangwanya, L.
Scoones, I.
Waldman, L.
Wilkinson, A.
Leach, M.
Winnebah, T.R.A.
[Zoonotic diseases: who gets sick, and why? Explorations from Africa]
Zoonotic diseases: who gets sick, and why? Explorations from Africa
Over two thirds of all human infectious diseases have their origins in animals. The rate at which these zoonotic diseases have appeared in people has increased over the past 40 years, with at least 43 newly identified outbreaks since 2004. In 2012, outbreaks included Ebola in Uganda (see Ebola bo...
Grace, Delia
Holley, C.
Jones, K.
Leach, M.
Marks, N.
Scoones, I.
Welburn, S.C.
Wood, J.
[Zoonoses - From panic to planning]
Zoonoses - From panic to planning
Ian Scoones from the Institute of Development Studies and the Future Agricultures Consortium reflects on some key issues emerging from a recent conference on the future of pastoralism in Africa. His overwhelming conclusion: Pastoralism is "alive and well" in some parts of the continent. But there...
Ian Scoones, Science Adviser to ILRI reflects on the recent conference on the future of pastoralism and the work of ILRI in this area. He argues that pastoralism ‘must be part of ILRI’s research agenda into the future.” He identifies two promising areas: First, to engage in technical research on ...
Scoones, I.
[Pastoral issues must be part of ILRI’s research agenda into the future]
Pastoral issues must be part of ILRI’s research agenda into the future
Shaw, Alison
Scoones, I.
Leach, M.
Wanyoike, Francis N.
Grace, Delia
[Framework for assessing the economic costs and burdens of zoonotic disease]
Framework for assessing the economic costs and burdens of zoonotic disease