La intensificación de la producción agrícola, ganadera y acuícola en las regiones de La Araucanía, Los Ríos y Los Lagos, ha ocasionado impactos negativos en los agroecosistemas, constatándose en muchos suelos agrícolas y cursos de agua acumulaciones importantes de nitratos (NO3-), nitritos (NO2-)...
The intensification of agricultural production, livestock and aquaculture in regions of La Araucanía, Los
Ríos and Los Lagos, has provoked negative impacts on agroecosystems which has been confirmed as
significant accumulations of nitrate (NO3
-), nitrite (NO2
-) and agrochemicals in agricultural...
Sepúlveda Varas, Alejandra
González, Edgardo
Inostroza, Carolina
[Remediation of nitrate pollution in soil: general background and relevance in southern Chile]
[Remediación de la contaminación por nitratos en el suelo: antecedentes generales y pertinencia en zona sur de Chile]
Remediación de la contaminación por nitratos en el suelo: antecedentes generales y pertinencia en zona sur de Chile
Caesium-137 measurements have been used to document changes in the rate and extent of soil erosion associated with the shift from conventional tillage to a no-till system on a farm in south-central Chile. The study site is located in the Coastal Mountains of the 9th Region (38°37′S 73°04′W), and ...
Schuller, Paulina
Walling, Desmond E.
Sepúlveda Varas, Alejandra
Castillo, Alejandra
Pino, I.
[Changes in soil erosion associated with the shift from conventional tillage to a no-tillage system, documented using 137Cs measurements]
Changes in soil erosion associated with the shift from conventional tillage to a no-tillage system, documented using 137Cs measurements
The author of the paper supports the establishing the agricultural conservation practices for soil
protection in Chile. In this sense, the 7Be method represents a very sensitive and useful technique to
document soil erosion associated to the burning of crop residues.
Sepúlveda Varas, Alejandra
[Use of 7Be to Estimate the Impact of no Tillage on Soil Erodability Resistance]
Use of 7Be to Estimate the Impact of no Tillage on Soil Erodability Resistance