On 9 and 10 November 2011, the ILRI Board of Trustees hosted a 2‐day ‘liveSTOCK Exchange’ to discuss and reflect on livestock research for development. During the workshop, Carlos Seré, former Director General of ILRI reflected on his tenure.
Seré Rabé, Carlos
[Livestock research for development in a complex, messy world: Reflections on a decade of work for ILRI]
Livestock research for development in a complex, messy world: Reflections on a decade of work for ILRI
Seré Rabé, Carlos
[Livestock research for development in a complex, messy world: Reflexions on a decade of work for ILRI]
Livestock research for development in a complex, messy world: Reflexions on a decade of work for ILRI
Herrero, Mario T.
Thornton, Philip K.
Notenbaert, An Maria Omer
Msangi, Siwa
Wood, S.
Kruska, R.L.
Dixon, John A.
Bossio, Deborah A.
Steeg, Jeannette van de
Freeman, H.A.
Xianglin Li
Seré Rabé, Carlos
McDermott, John J.
Peters, Michael
Rao, P.P.
[Drivers of change in crop-livestock systems and their potential impacts on agro-ecosystems services and human well-being to 2030]
Drivers of change in crop-livestock systems and their potential impacts on agro-ecosystems services and human well-being to 2030
Narrod, C.A.
Randolph, Thomas F.
Rich, Karl M.
Seré Rabé, Carlos
[Finding strategies in the fight against bird flu that work in developing countries is key: A one-size-fits-all strategy won't work]
Finding strategies in the fight against bird flu that work in developing countries is key: A one-size-fits-all strategy won't work
This Report illustrates the importance and the contribution of the livestock sector in African rural Development. It presents ILRI's strategic goals and research themes in the context of improving the livelihood and social well-being of the poor through managing and mitigating risk and vulnerabil...
Seré Rabé, Carlos
[ILRI's goal and strategic research themes. Revised strategy for 2002-2007]
ILRI's goal and strategic research themes. Revised strategy for 2002-2007
Vera, Raúl R.
Seré Rabé, Carlos
[Sistemas de produccion pecuaria extensiva: Brasil, Colombia, Venezuela: informe final Proyecto ETES (Estudio Tecnico y Economico de Sistemas de Produccion Pecuaria) 1978-1982]
Sistemas de produccion pecuaria extensiva: Brasil, Colombia, Venezuela: informe final Proyecto ETES (Estudio Tecnico y Economico de Sistemas de Produccion Pecuaria) 1978-1982
Quantitative information on Colombian consumption of different foods (among them beans) is presented by region, urban or rural sector, and income strata in terms of physical amounts, contribution to protein and calorie supply, and expenditure share. The study was based on a cross sectional survey...
Sanint, Luis Roberto
Rivas Ríos, Libardo
Duque E., Myriam Cristina
Seré Rabé, Carlos
[Food consumption patterns in Colombia--a cross-sectional analysis of the DANE/DRI 1981 household survey]
Food consumption patterns in Colombia--a cross-sectional analysis of the DANE/DRI 1981 household survey
Seré Rabé, Carlos
McDermott, John J.
Staal, Steven J.
Randolph, Thomas F.
Grace, Delia
Baker, Derek
[Low livestock funding: Why has funding for livestock been so low from key players in the livestock field?]
Low livestock funding: Why has funding for livestock been so low from key players in the livestock field?