Because the term non-timber forest products encompasses such a vast array of goods, various certification schemes are being applied to them with greater or lesser degrees of success and relevance. This review positions NTFPs within the context of sustainable forest product certification, describi...
Alexiades, M.N.
Shanley, P.
[Productos forestales, medios de subsistencia y conservacion: estudios de caso sobre sistemas de manejo de productos forestales no maderables: introduction]
Productos forestales, medios de subsistencia y conservacion: estudios de caso sobre sistemas de manejo de productos forestales no maderables: introduction
This book provides a comprehensive, global synthesis of current knowledge on the potential and challenges associated with the multiple roles, use, management and marketing of non-timber forest products (NTFPs). There has been considerable research and policy effort surrounding NTFPs over the last...
Shackleton, S.
Shackleton, Charlie M.
Shanley, P.
[Non-timber forest products in the global context]
Non-timber forest products in the global context
Shanley, P.
Stockdale, M.
[Traditional knowledge, forest management, and certification: a reality check]
Traditional knowledge, forest management, and certification: a reality check
Increased trade in non-timber forest products (NTFP) has been promoted as one possible means to slow tropical deforestation by increasing the economic value of intact forest. A market surcey of NTFP's occuring in the Capim River basin in eastern Amazonia, Brazil demonstrated that the realitty for...
Shanley, P.
[The faint promise of a distant market: a survey of Belem's trade in non-timber forest products]
The faint promise of a distant market: a survey of Belem's trade in non-timber forest products
The potential for combining timber and non-timber forest product extraction has been examined in the context of diversified forest management. Many tropical forests are exploited both commercially for timber and by forest-dependent communities for non-timber forest products (NTFPs). Divergences b...
Rist, L.
Shanley, P.
Sunderland, T.C.H.
Sheil, Douglas
Ndoye, O.
Liswanti, N.
Tieguhong, J.C.
[The impacts of selective logging on non-timber forest products of livelihood importance]
The impacts of selective logging on non-timber forest products of livelihood importance