The aim of this consultation is to explore the practicality of extending technologies that enable the use of dairy cows for multiple purposes, to help develop a regional project to transfer these technologies to relevant countries in east and Central Africa. The focus of the consultation is on ne...
Zerbini, E.
Shapiro, Barry I.
Chirgwin, J.C.
[Technology transfer. Multi-purpose cows for milk, meat and traction in smallholder farming systems. Proceedings of a consultation]
Technology transfer. Multi-purpose cows for milk, meat and traction in smallholder farming systems. Proceedings of a consultation
Livestock production is a major contributor to economic development, both driving economic growth and benefiting from it. As an engine of growth, it provides increased income, employment, food and foreign exchange earnings, as well as better nutrition. As income increases with economic developmen...
This paper discusses the potential impacts of the formation of milk groups on farm households that participate by selling milk, and develops a conceptual framework for assessing those impacts. It then explores the financial and technical performance of four milk groups formed prior to 1997, and t...
Nicholson, C.
Gebru, G.
Ehui, Simeon K.
Shapiro, Barry I.
Delgado, Christopher L.
[Producer milk groups in Ethiopia's highlands: A framework for assessing impacts and a review of group performance]
Producer milk groups in Ethiopia's highlands: A framework for assessing impacts and a review of group performance