For hundreds of millions of people, biodiversity is about eating, staying healthy, and finding shelter. Meeting these people’s basic needs should receive greater priority in the conservation agenda.Wild and semi-wild plants and animals contribute significantly to nutrition, health care, income, a...
Kaimowitz, D.
Sheil, Douglas
[Conserving what and for whom? why conservation should help meet basic human needs in the tropics]
Conserving what and for whom? why conservation should help meet basic human needs in the tropics
A non-technical account in Indonesian of the development and application of methods to assess biodiversity with the involvement of local communities in the forests of Malinau East Kalimantan. The new methods are shown to offer many benefits over more conventional approaches.
Sheil, Douglas
Liswanti, N.
Wan, M.
Heist, M. van
Samsoedin, I.
Kartawinata, K.
Sardjono, M.A.
[Prioritas lokal dan keanekaragaman hayati dalam lansekap hutan: apa yang penting menurut masyarakat?]
Prioritas lokal dan keanekaragaman hayati dalam lansekap hutan: apa yang penting menurut masyarakat?
This document is intended for those interested in gathering natural resource information that reflects the needs of local communities. It describes a multidisciplinary survey developed with indigenous communities in the fores-rich landscapes of the Malinau watershed in East Kalimantan (Indonesian...
Sheil, Douglas
Puri, R.K.
Basuki, I.
Heist, M. van
Wan, M.
Liswanti, N.
Sardjono, M.A.
Samsoedin, I.
Sidiyasa, K.D.
Permana, E.
Angi, E.M.
Gatzweiler, F.
Johnson, B.
Wijaya, A.
[Mengeksplorasi keanekaragaman hayati, lingkungan dan pandangan masyarakat lokal mengenai berbagai lanskap hutan: metode-metode penilaian lanskap secara multidisipliner]
Mengeksplorasi keanekaragaman hayati, lingkungan dan pandangan masyarakat lokal mengenai berbagai lanskap hutan: metode-metode penilaian lanskap secara multidisipliner
This book for the first time brings together a suite of effective methods as a guidance on how to deal with the needs of local communities and biodiversity in landscapes required by decision makers. The techniques provide conventional biophysical descriptions of the landscape and explicitly relat...
Sheil, Douglas
Puri, R.K.
Basuki, I.
Heist, M. van
Wan, M.
Liswanti, N.
Sardjono, M.A.
Samsoedin, I.
Sidiyasa, K.D.
Permana, E.
Angi, E.M.
Gatzweiler, F.
Johnson, B.
Wijaya, A.
[A la découverte de la biodiversite, de l’environnement et des perspectives des populations locales dans les paysages forestiers: methodes pour une etude pluridisciplinaire du paysage]
A la découverte de la biodiversite, de l’environnement et des perspectives des populations locales dans les paysages forestiers: methodes pour une etude pluridisciplinaire du paysage
This book presents a technical review of ecological and life history information on a range of Bornean wildlife species, aimed at identifying what makes these species sensitive to timber harvesting practices and associated impacts. It addresses three audiences: 1) those involved in assessing and ...
Meijaard, E.
Sheil, Douglas
Nasi, Robert
Augeri, D.
Rosenbaum, B.
Iskandar, D.
Setyawati, T.
Lammertink, A.
Rachmatika, I.
Wong, A.
Soehartono, T.
Stanley, S.
O'Brien, T.
[Life after logging: reconciling wildlife conservation and production forestry in Indonesian Borneo]
Life after logging: reconciling wildlife conservation and production forestry in Indonesian Borneo
Tropical forest people often suffer from the same processes that threaten biodiversity. An improved knowledge of what is important to local people could improve decision making. This article examines the usefulness of explicitly asking what is important to local people. Our examples draw on biodi...
Sheil, Douglas
Puri, R.K.
Wan, M.
Basuki, I.
Heist, M. van
Liswanti, N.
Rachmatika, I.
Samsoedin, I.
[Recognizing local people’s priorities for tropical forest biodiversity]
Recognizing local people’s priorities for tropical forest biodiversity
This book presents a technical review of ecological and life history information on a range of Bornean wildlife species, aimed at identifying what makes these species sensitive to timber harvesting practices and associated impacts. It addresses three audiences: 1) those involved in assessing and ...
Meijaard, E.
Sheil, Douglas
Nasi, Robert
Augeri, D.
Rosenbaum, B.
Iskandar, D.
Setyawati, T.
Lammertink, A.
Rachmatika, I.
Wong, A.
Soehartono, T.
Stanley, S.
O'Brien, T.
[Hutan pasca pemanenan: melindungi satwa liar dalam kegiatan hutan produksi di Kalimantan]
Hutan pasca pemanenan: melindungi satwa liar dalam kegiatan hutan produksi di Kalimantan
Based on an extensive review of the literature, and broad consultation with experts, we have assessed the sensitivity of Bornean vertebrates to the direct and indirect effects of timber harvest. Well-implemented selective logging has a relatively limited direct impact on wildlife populations: few...
Meijaard, E.
Sheil, Douglas
Nasi, Robert
Stanley, S.E.
[Wildlife conservation in Bornean timber concessions]
Wildlife conservation in Bornean timber concessions
In order to maintain the high levels of biodiversity and the ecological functions of tropical forest landscapes in South East Asia, production forests need to be managed in a more sustainable way. Numerous initiatives already exist in the form of codes of practice, criteria and indicators, and ce...
Gustafsson, L.
Nasi, Robert
Dennis, R.A.
Nguyen Hoang Nghia
Sheil, Douglas
Meijaard, E.
Dykstra, D.P.
Priyadi, H.
Pham Quang Thu
[Logging for the ark: improving the conservation value of production forests in South East Asia]
Logging for the ark: improving the conservation value of production forests in South East Asia
The urgency of the tropical biodiversity crisis continues to be a major justification for wildlife research and its funding. To examine the benefits of this research for on-the-ground conservation, we focused on Borneo, where conservation has a long history and we have direct experience. We compi...
Meijaard, E.
Sheil, Douglas
[Is wildlife research useful for wildlife conservation in the tropics?: A review for Borneo with global implications]
Is wildlife research useful for wildlife conservation in the tropics?: A review for Borneo with global implications