The basic concepts of the genetic improvement of beans through hybridization are described. In general, the breeding process involves the following phases: (1) development of exptl. lines, (2) evaluation of exptl. lines and identification of new cv., and (3) commercialization of new cv. The main ...
Se describen los conceptos basicos de mejoramiento genetico del frijol por hibridacion. En general, el proceso de mejoramiento involucra las siguientes fases: 1) el desarrollo de lineas exptl., 2) la evaluacion de las lineas exptl. y la identificacion de los nuevos cv. y 3) la comercializacion de...
Singh, Shree P.
[Conceptos basicos para el mejoramiento del frijol por hibridacion]
Conceptos basicos para el mejoramiento del frijol por hibridacion
Nineteen early maturing, indeterminate common bean parents were crossed with a tester line of normal maturity. All parents, F1 hybrids, F2's, and backcross generations were evaluated at CIAT-Palmira, Colombia. All 19F1 populations flowered and matured almost as early as the respective early paren...
White, Jeffrey W.
Singh, Shree P.
[Sources and inheritance of earliness in tropically adapted indeterminate common beans]
Sources and inheritance of earliness in tropically adapted indeterminate common beans
Singh, Shree P.
[Breeding common beans of middle-American origin for seed yield in constrasting environments in tropics]
Breeding common beans of middle-American origin for seed yield in constrasting environments in tropics
Singh, Shree P.
Urrea, Carlos A.
[Performance of early generations of some intra- and interracial populations of common bean]
Performance of early generations of some intra- and interracial populations of common bean
El frijol (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cultivado de origen Mesoamericano tiene tres razas: Du rango, Jalisco y Mesoamérica, cada uno con sus distintas características, zonas de adaptación y problemas de producción. Los cultivares de semilla mediana (Flor de Mayo, Garbancillo Zarco) de raza Jalisco tie...
Singh, Shree P.
[Progreso, problemas y el futuro del mejoramiento de frijoles mesoamericanos y la mejora genética integrada]
Progreso, problemas y el futuro del mejoramiento de frijoles mesoamericanos y la mejora genética integrada