Presents results of a study of a beef-fattening project in which smallholder farmers in the semi-arid zone of Mali were provided with credit to purchase mature cattle for fattening programme. The daily weight gain in animals kept permanently housed was on average higher than in animals which were...
Bartholomew, P.W.
Ly, R.
Nantoume, H.
Kone, N'G.
Traoré, B.
Khibe, T.
Sissoko, K.
Baur, H.
[Dry-season cattle fattening by smallholder farmers in the semi-arid zone of Mali]
Dry-season cattle fattening by smallholder farmers in the semi-arid zone of Mali
Le cout de production du lait frais dans trois systemes de production laitiere a ete estime a partir de donnees collectees sur 30 troupeaux aux alentours de Bamako au mali, a des intervalles reguliers entre juillet 1989 et juin 1990. Dans le systeme de production intensive (concessions rurales), ...
Debrah, S.K.
Sissoko, K.
Soumare, S.
[Etude economique de la production laitiere dans la zone periurbaine de Bamako au Mali]
Etude economique de la production laitiere dans la zone periurbaine de Bamako au Mali
A study carried out to estimate disaggregated demand parameters for dairy products and to use the results to illustrate the policy implications of dairy self-sufficient policy objectives on families in different income strata. Discusses patterns of dairy consumption in the sub-region with special...
Debrah, S.K.
Sissoko, K.
Soumare, S.
[Disaggregated demand and policy analysis: The case of dairy demand in Mali]
Disaggregated demand and policy analysis: The case of dairy demand in Mali
A shortage of available labour early in the growing season, when effort is directed to the weeding of cereal crops, appeared to be a primary constraint to increased forage cropping by smallholder farmers in the semi-arid zone of central Mali. In experiments with millet, the labour requirement for...
Bartholomew, P.W.
Ly, R.
Kone, D.
Traoré, S.F.
Sissoko, K.
[Forage production for smallholder farmers in a rainfed millet cropping system in central Mali]
Forage production for smallholder farmers in a rainfed millet cropping system in central Mali