Cultivation of soy for human and animal food has been growing rapidly in Brazil in the last thirty years, and the recent emergence of a biodiesel market in Brazil has stimulated this further. Soy occupies large parts of the Cerrado biome and has now reached the Amazon, and concerns have been rais...
Lima, M.
Skutsch, M.
Medeiros Costa, G. de
[Deforestation and the social impacts of soy for biodiesel: Perspectives of farmers in the South Brazilian Amazon]
Deforestation and the social impacts of soy for biodiesel: Perspectives of farmers in the South Brazilian Amazon
In this article, we attempt to find the spatial relations between deforestation and biofuel production at global level by analyzing available global deforestation and biofuels data, and find that, for a variety of reasons relating to data availability and its characteristics, and the way biofuels...
Gao, Y.
Skutsch, M.
Drigo, R.
Pacheco, P.
Masera, O.
[Assessing deforestation from biofuels: methodological challenges]
Assessing deforestation from biofuels: methodological challenges
German, L.
Schoneveld, G.C.
Skutsch, M.
Andriani, R.
Obidzinski, K.
Pacheco, P.
Komarudin, H.
Andrianto, A.
Lima, M.
Dayang Norwana, A.A.B.
[The local social and environmental impacts of biofuel feedstock expansion: a synthesis of case studies from Asia, Africa and Latin America]
The local social and environmental impacts of biofuel feedstock expansion: a synthesis of case studies from Asia, Africa and Latin America
This report examines whether the recent increase in biofuel feedstock production is resulting in increased deforestation rates and magnitudes within tropical regions. It reviews several methodological challenges for undertaking this analysis, and presents a set of preliminary findings. The analys...
Gao, Y.
Skutsch, M.
Masera, O.
Pacheco, P.
[A global analysis of deforestation due to biofuel development]
A global analysis of deforestation due to biofuel development
Pacheco, P.
Wardell, D.A.
German, L.
Johnson, F.X.
Bird, N.
Gelder, J.W. van
Schwaiger, H
Schoneveld, G.C.
Obidzinski, K.
Guariguata, M.R.
Skutsch, M.
Masera, O
Gao, Y
Maltitz, G von
Achten, W.M.J.
Verchot, Louis V.
Komarudin, H.
Andriani, R.
[Synthesis bioenergy, sustainability and trade-offs: can we avoid deforestation while promoting biofuels?]
Synthesis bioenergy, sustainability and trade-offs: can we avoid deforestation while promoting biofuels?