Dacryodes edulis, or safou, is a fruit tree native to Central Africa and the Gulf of Guinea region. It is usually present in agroforestry systems in the region, particularly in homegardens and cocoa and coffee agroforests. It plays an important role in household consumption and the surplus is sol...
Sonwa, D.J.
Okafor, J.C.
Buyungu, P.M.
Weise, S.F.
Tchatat, M.
Adesina, A.A.
Nkongmeneck, B.A.
Ndoye, O.
Endamana, D.
[Dacryodes edulis, a neglected non-timber forest species for the agroforestry systems of West and Central Africa]
Dacryodes edulis, a neglected non-timber forest species for the agroforestry systems of West and Central Africa
There is a growing recognition that climate change is an important issue that impact adversely people livelihood and sustainable development Mitigating climate change through afforestation, reforestation and reducing emissions from deforestation and forests degradation (REDD) can become key comp...
Sonwa, D.J.
Tchienkoua, M.
[Forest ecological research in the perspective of mitigating climate change in tropical ecosystem: case study of Cameroon (Central Africa)]
Forest ecological research in the perspective of mitigating climate change in tropical ecosystem: case study of Cameroon (Central Africa)
Understanding the vulnerability of forest and forest related sectors to climate change, mainstreaming the use of forest into adaptation strategies are some of the challenges faced by forestry research, developers and stakeholders. Despite the multiple efforts to mitigate climate change, it is wel...
Sonwa, D.J.
Nkem, J.
Foahom, B.
Nkongmeneck, B.A.
[Ecological research in the perspective of using forest in adaptation to climate change in Cameroon (Central Africa)]
Ecological research in the perspective of using forest in adaptation to climate change in Cameroon (Central Africa)
Locatelli, Bruno
Sonwa, D.J.
[Forêts et adaptation au changement climatique: défis et opportunités]
Forêts et adaptation au changement climatique: défis et opportunités
This manual on biodiversity and wildlife conservation in cocoa landscapes near protected areas aims at improving farmers’ knowledge on biodiversity and wildlife conservation in order to strengthen their decision making capacity. It helps farmers to understand the importance of biodiversity and wi...
Asare, R.
David, S.
Sonwa, D.J.
[Conservation and biodiversity in and around cocoa farms. Learning about sustainable cocoa production: a guide for participatory farmer training]
Conservation and biodiversity in and around cocoa farms. Learning about sustainable cocoa production: a guide for participatory farmer training
Tropical forests have a central role to play in a new mechanism designed to mitigate climate change, known as REDD+ (Reduced Emissions From Deforestation and Forest Degradation). Through semistructured interviews and content analysis of relevant documents, the perceptions of the opportunities and...
Brown, H.C.P.
Smith, B.
Sonwa, D.J.
Somorin, O.A.
Nkem, J.
[Institutional perceptions of opportunities and challenges of REDD+ in the Congo Basin]
Institutional perceptions of opportunities and challenges of REDD+ in the Congo Basin
Forest cover has deteriorated less in Central Africa than in West Africa. The cocoa cultivation practised in West Africa, after felling of the forest, has contributed to the destruction of that cover. Unlike West Africa, cocoa cultivation in Southern Cameroon (Centaral Africa) is done by smallhol...
Sonwa, D.J.
Weise, S.F.
Ndoye, O.
Janssens, M.J.J.
[Initiatives endogenes d'intensification et de diversification a l'interieur des agroforets-cacao au Sud-Cameroun: lecons pour une foresterie participative dans les systemes a base de cultures perennes en Afrique centrale et de l'Ouest]
Initiatives endogenes d'intensification et de diversification a l'interieur des agroforets-cacao au Sud-Cameroun: lecons pour une foresterie participative dans les systemes a base de cultures perennes en Afrique centrale et de l'Ouest
Cocoa-producing countries of West and Central Africa experienced a serious economic crisis in the early 1980s, when the cocoa sector was liberalized and the macroeconomic policies of the sector changed. These institutional changes created new difficulties and challenges for sustainable cocoa farm...
Sonwa, D.J.
Weise, S.F.
Adesina, A.A.
Nkongmeneck, B.A.
Tchatat, M.
Ndoye, O.
[Production constraints on cocoa agroforetry systems in West and Central Africa: the need for integrated pest management and multi-institutional approaches]
Production constraints on cocoa agroforetry systems in West and Central Africa: the need for integrated pest management and multi-institutional approaches
Brown, H.C.P.
Nkem, J.
Sonwa, D.J.
Bele, Y.
[Institutional dynamics and climate change in the Congo Basin Forest of Cameroon, West Africa]
Institutional dynamics and climate change in the Congo Basin Forest of Cameroon, West Africa
Nowadays, adaptation has become a key focus of the scientific and policy-making communities and is a major area of discussion in the multilateral climate change process. As climate change is projected to hit the poorest the hardest, it is especially important for developing countries to pay part...