This illustrated guide summarizes the key practices for producing clean planting material of banana with a high yield potential for smallholders, depending on the pests and diseases which are present.
The guide is also designed to contribute to better planning of the propagation of planting mater...
Staver, Charles
Lescot, T.
[Propagating quality planting material to improve plant health and crop performance. Key practices for dessert banana, plantain and cooking banana: Illustrated guide.]
Propagating quality planting material to improve plant health and crop performance. Key practices for dessert banana, plantain and cooking banana: Illustrated guide.
This illustrated guide summarizes the key practices for producing clean planting material of banana with a high yield potential for smallholders, depending on the pests and diseases which are present. The guide is also designed to contribute to better planning of the propagation of planting mater...
Staver, Charles
Lescot, T.
[La multiplication de matériel de plantation de qualité pour améliorer l’état sanitaire et la productivité des cultures: Pratiques clefs pour les bananiers et les bananiers plantain: guide illustre]
La multiplication de matériel de plantation de qualité pour améliorer l’état sanitaire et la productivité des cultures: Pratiques clefs pour les bananiers et les bananiers plantain: guide illustre
This illustrated guide summarizes the key practices for producing clean planting material of banana with a high yield potential for smallholders, depending on the pests and diseases which are present. The guide is also designed to contribute to better planning of the propagation of planting mater...
Staver, Charles
Lescot, T.
[La propagación de material de siembra de calidad para mejorar la salud y productividad del cultivo: prácticas clave para las musaceas: guia ilustrada]
La propagación de material de siembra de calidad para mejorar la salud y productividad del cultivo: prácticas clave para las musaceas: guia ilustrada
This illustrated guide summarizes the key practices for producing clean planting material of banana with a high yield potential for smallholders, depending on the pests and diseases which are present. The guide is also designed to contribute to better planning of the propagation of planting mater...
Staver, Charles
Lescot, T.
[Propagating quality planting material to improve plant health and crop performance, key practices for dessert banana, plantain and cooking banana: Illustrated guide (Arabic) الإكثار الخضري لمواد نباتية ذات جودة لتحسين صحة النبات ورفع الكفاءة المحصولية: الممارسات الرئيسية لزراعة موز المائدة، البلانتين وموز الطبخ]
Propagating quality planting material to improve plant health and crop performance, key practices for dessert banana, plantain and cooking banana: Illustrated guide (Arabic) الإكثار الخضري لمواد نباتية ذات جودة لتحسين صحة النبات ورفع الكفاءة المحصولية: الممارسات الرئيسية لزراعة موز المائدة، البلانتين وموز الطبخ