White mold, caused by the fungus Sclerotinia (Whetzelinia) sclerotiorum, is distributed worldwide and has more than 300 hosts. It infects flowers, cotyledons, seeds, leaves or injured plant tissue. The disease can be controlled by crop rotation, flooding, reduced seeding rates, application of che...
El moho blanco causado por el hongo Sclerotinia (Whetzelinia) sclerotiorum se halla presente en todo el mundo y mas de 300 plantas son hospedantes del patogeno; infecta las flores, cotiledones, semillas, hojas o tejido herido. El control de la enfermedad se puede hacer por: rotacion de cultivos, ...
White mold, caused by the fungus Sclerotinia (Whetzelinia) sclerotiorum, is distributed worldwide and has more than 300 hosts. It infects flowers, cotyledons, seeds, leaves, or injured plant tissue. The disease can be controlled by crop rotation, flooding, reduced seeding rates, fewer irrigations...
El moho blanco causado por el hongo Sclerotinia (Whetzelinia) sclerotiorum se halla presente en todo el mundo, con mas de 300 plantas hospedantes del patogeno; infecta las flores, cotiledones, semillas, hojas o tejido lesionado. El control de la enfermedad se puede hacer por rotacion de cultivos,...
White mold, caused by the fungus Sclerotinia (Whetzelinia) sclerotiorum, is distributed worldwide and has more than 300 hosts. It infects flowers, cotyledons, seeds, leaves or injured plant tissue. The disease can be controlled by crop rotation, flooding, reduced seeding rates, application of che...
El moho blanco causado por el hongo Sclerotinia (Whetzelinia) sclerotiorum se halla presente en todo el mundo y mas de 300 plantas son hospedantes del patogeno; infecta las flores, cotiledones, semillas, hojas o tejido herido. El control de la enfermedad se puede hacer por: rotacion de cultivos, ...
High incidence of Uromyces phaseoli and Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola was reported in Pinto and Great Northern bean fields in SW Nebraska and NE Colorado (USA) in 1981. Pinto beans showed other symptoms that, after isolation and tests, were found to be caused by P. syringae pv. syringae. ...
Steadman, James R.
Schwartz, Howard F.
[Rust and halo blight epidemics, and the first report of bacterial brown spot in western Nebraska and eastern Colorado]
Rust and halo blight epidemics, and the first report of bacterial brown spot in western Nebraska and eastern Colorado