Land tenure, or access and rights to land, is essential to sustain people’s livelihoods. This paper looks at how farm households perceive land tenure (in)security in relation to food (in)security, and how these perceptions evolve throughout different policy periods in Laos. The paper highlights t...
Keovilignavong, Oulavanh
Suhardiman, Diana
[Linking land tenure security with food security: unpacking farm households’ perceptions and strategies in the rural uplands of Laos]
Linking land tenure security with food security: unpacking farm households’ perceptions and strategies in the rural uplands of Laos
In Laos, hydropower development is occurring at rapid, though controversial pace. While hydropower development could in principle contribute to the country’s development objectives to promote economic growth and reduce poverty, it also impacts people’s livelihoods especially local communities liv...
Katus, S
Suhardiman, Diana
Senaratna Sellamuttu, Sonali
[When local power meets hydropower: Reconceptualizing resettlement along the Nam Gnouang River in Laos]
When local power meets hydropower: Reconceptualizing resettlement along the Nam Gnouang River in Laos
We examine the patterns and characteristics of private investment in Laos, and how these evolve in relation to the Lao government's investment incentive policies in particular, and the wider State policies in general. Our goals are to: (1) systematically describe and analyze the patterns and char...
Keovilignavong, Oulavanh
Suhardiman, Diana
[Characterizing private investments and implications for poverty reduction and natural resource management in Laos]
Characterizing private investments and implications for poverty reduction and natural resource management in Laos
Groundwater use for agriculture has the potential to improve rural households’ income and reduce poverty, but the linkages are not always straightforward. Taking Laos as a case study, this article illustrates how differential access to water, land, and capital shape farmers’ livelihood strategies...
Suhardiman, Diana
Pavelic, Paul
Keovilignavong, Oulavanh
Giordano, Mark
[Putting farmers’ strategies in the center of agricultural groundwater use in the Vientiane Plain, Laos]
Putting farmers’ strategies in the center of agricultural groundwater use in the Vientiane Plain, Laos