In the Fakara region of the Sahel zone, Niger, West Africa, farmers have been implementing traditional soil man-agement practices such as the application of dry farmyard manure (FYM) and household waste (HHW), livestockcorralling, and fallows. Previousstudies, however, have not accumulatedenough ...
Suzuki, K.
Matsunaga, R.
Hayashi, K.
Matsumoto, N.
Tabo, Ramadjita
Tobita, S.
Okada, K.
[Effects of traditional soil management practices on the nutrient status in Sahelian sandy soils of Niger, West Africa]
Effects of traditional soil management practices on the nutrient status in Sahelian sandy soils of Niger, West Africa
Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata [L.] Walp.) is an important grain legume in the semiarid zone of West Africa as it is a major source of dietary protein for the people. It is usually grown as an intercrop with the major cereals, namely millet and sorghum. Despite its importance, its yields are very low ...
Bationo, B. André
Ntare, B.R.
Tarawali, Shirley A.
Tabo, Ramadjita
[Soil fertility management and cowpea production in the semiarid tropics]
Soil fertility management and cowpea production in the semiarid tropics
To determine the efficiency of utilization of organic matter in agricultural production, nitrogen flow was estimated within a village-farm model in the west of Niger, West Africa. Nitrogen was focused on in this study as it is known to be a major nutrient component of organic matter and one of th...
Hayashi, K.
Matsumoto, N.
Hayashi, E.
Abdoulaye, Tahirou
Shinjo, H.
Tabo, Ramadjita
Matsunaga, R.
Tobita, S.
[Estimation of nitrogen flow within a villagefarm model in Fakara region in Niger, Sahelian zone of West Africa]
Estimation of nitrogen flow within a villagefarm model in Fakara region in Niger, Sahelian zone of West Africa
Bationo, B. André
Vanlauwe, Bernard
Abdoulaye, MS
Adamou, A.
Kimetu, J.
Kihara, Job
Tabo, Ramadjita
Koala, Saidou
[Increasing land sustainability and productivity through and fertility management in the West African Sudano-Sahelian zone]
Increasing land sustainability and productivity through and fertility management in the West African Sudano-Sahelian zone
Bationo, B. André
Traoré, Z
Kimetu, J.
Bagayoko, M
Kihara, Job
Bado, V.B.
Lompo, M
Tabo, Ramadjita
Koala, Saidou
[Cropping systems in the Sudano-Sahelian zone: implications on soil fertility management over varied seasons]
Cropping systems in the Sudano-Sahelian zone: implications on soil fertility management over varied seasons