Fires are considered a potential threat to sustainable development for their direct impacts on ecosystems, their contribution to carbon emissions, and impacts on biodiversity. In 1997/98, Indonesia had the most severe fires worldwide, and smoke haze pollution recurs yearly. The fire-related polic...
Tacconi, L.
[Kebakaran hutan di Indonesia: penyebab, biaya dan implikasi kebijakan]
Kebakaran hutan di Indonesia: penyebab, biaya dan implikasi kebijakan
Illegal logging is a cause for widespread concern. It has negative environmental impacts, results in the loss of forest products used by rural communities, creates conflicts, and causes significant losses of tax revenues that could be used for development activities. The Nature Conservancy and Wo...
Tacconi, L.
Obidzinski, K.
Agung, F.
[Proses pembelajaran (learning lessons) promosi sertifikasi hutan dan pengendalian penebangan liar di Indonesia]
Proses pembelajaran (learning lessons) promosi sertifikasi hutan dan pengendalian penebangan liar di Indonesia
Illegal logging is a cause for widespread concern. It has negative environmental impacts, results in the loss of forest products used by rural communities, creates conflicts, and causes significant losses of tax revenues that could be used for development activities. The Nature Conservancy and Wo...
Tacconi, L.
Obidzinski, K.
Agung, F.
[Learning lessons to promote forest certification and control illegal logging in Indonesia]
Learning lessons to promote forest certification and control illegal logging in Indonesia
Colchester, M.
Boscolo, M.
Contreras-Hermosilla, A.
Gatto, F.D.
Dempsey, J.
Lescuyer, G.
Obidzinski, K.
Pommier, D.
Richards, Meryl
Sembiring, S.S.
Tacconi, L.
Rios, M.T.S.
Wells, A.
[Justice in the forest: rural livelihoods and forest law enforcement]
Justice in the forest: rural livelihoods and forest law enforcement
Concern about illegal logging has grown considerably over the past decade due to the interest in its environmental impacts, and more recently as a result of its perceived impacts on livelihoods. The authors find that the reality of illegal logging is much more nuanced than has been depicted and t...
Threre is limited knowledge available as to the major causes of illegal logging and its impacts on biodiversity, people and livelihoods and national economies, and thus plenty of speculation and action without evidence. It is clear that while illegal logging does have negative impacts, it also, c...
Tacconi, L.
[Illegal logging: law enforcement, livelihoods and the timber trade]
Illegal logging: law enforcement, livelihoods and the timber trade
Fires are considered a potential threat to sustainable development for their direct impacts on ecosystems, their contribution to carbon emissions, and impacts on biodiversity. In 1997/98, Indonesia had the most severe fires worldwide, and smoke haze pollution recurs yearly. The fire-related polic...
The current theory and narrative states that democratic decentralization of forest management leads to sustainable forest management and improved livelihoods. Three assumptions underlie this theory and narrative: i) democratic decentralization is a means of institutionalizing and scaling up commu...
Tacconi, L.
Siagian, Y.
Syam, R.
[On the theory of decentralization, forests and livelihoods]
On the theory of decentralization, forests and livelihoods
Le cadre de réglementation camerounais sur les forêts, la faune et la pêche oblige les exploitants forestiers à payer une redevance forestière (RF), dont la moitié doit être reversée aux communes rurales (40 %) et aux villages riverains (10 %) des concessions forestières. La RF a pour objectifs ...
Cerutti, P.O.
Lescuyer, G.
Assembe-Mvondo, S.
Tacconi, L.
[Les défis de la redistribution des bénéfices monétaires tirés de la forêt pour les administrations locales: une décennie de redevance forestière assise sur la superficie du titre d’exploitation au Cameroun]
Les défis de la redistribution des bénéfices monétaires tirés de la forêt pour les administrations locales: une décennie de redevance forestière assise sur la superficie du titre d’exploitation au Cameroun