La actividad física juega un papel importante en el desarrollo de los niños. El propósito de este estudio fue comparar según estado nutricional y frecuencia de actividad física la imagen corporal, autoestima, riesgo cardio-metabólico y rendimiento físico de niños. Se estudió 208 niños de 11,9±1,2...
Physical activity plays an important role in child development. The purpose of this study was to compare body image, self-esteem, cardio-metabolic risk and physical performance of children by nutritional status and frequency of physical activity. We studied 208 children (115 men and 93 women) 11....
Delgado-Floody, P.
Caamaño, F.
Osorio, A.
Jerez, D.
Fuentes, J.
Levin, E.
Tapia, J.
[Body image and self-esteem in children according to their nutritional status and frequency of physical activity]
[Imagen corporal y autoestima en niños según su estado nutricional y frecuencia de actividad física]
Imagen corporal y autoestima en niños según su estado nutricional y frecuencia de actividad física
Mansilla Cárdenas, Héctor R.
Durán de la F.,H.
García, R.
Tapia, J.
Urzúa, S.
[Chemical characterization of chilean hardwoods]
Chemical characterization of chilean hardwoods
Zubizarreta, J.
Lorch, S.
Marshall Rivera, Guillermo
D'Apremont, I.
Tapia, J.
[Effect of prophylactic CPAP in very low birth weight infants in South America]
Effect of prophylactic CPAP in very low birth weight infants in South America
The level of human impact on the wetlands of the Lago Budi Basin was established, as a function of the degree of alteration to the basin and the degree of alteration to the wetlands. The former was evaluated on the basis of a spatial analysis of the fragility and stability of the hydrographical b...
Se determinó el nivel de antropización de los humedales de la cuenca del Budi, en función del grado de alteración de cuencas y el grado de alteración de humedales. El primero, evaluado a partir del análisis espacial de la fragilidad y estabilidad de la hoya hidrográfica. El segundo, a través de u...
Peña Cortés, Fernando
Gutiérrez, P.
Rebolledo Castro, Gonzalo
Escalona Ulloa, Miguel
Hauenstein Barra, Enrique
Bertrán, Carlos
Schlatter, Roberto
Tapia, J.
[Determinación del nivel de antropización de humedales como criterio para la planificación ecológica de la cuenca del lago Budi, IX Región de La Araucanía, Chile]
[Determination of the level of anthropic modifications on wetlands as a criterion for environmental planning in the basin of lake BUDI, IX Region of Araucanía]
Determination of the level of anthropic modifications on wetlands as a criterion for environmental planning in the basin of lake BUDI, IX Region of Araucanía
This study describes and analyses plant species diversity and identifies indicator species for nitrogen eutrophization in four coastal lagoons in the Araucanian Region, Chile. A total of 82 vascular macrophyte species were identified. Tromen lagoon has the highest species richness (45 taxa), foll...
Hauenstein Barra, Enrique
Peña Cortés, Fernando
Bertrán, Carlos
Tapia, J.
Schlatter, Roberto
[Comparación florística y estado trófico basado en plantas indicadoras de lagunas costeras de la región de La Araucanía, Chile]
[Floristic comparison and trophic condition based on indicator species in coastal lagoons of the Araucanian Region, Chile]
Floristic comparison and trophic condition based on indicator species in coastal lagoons of the Araucanian Region, Chile
The landscape corresponds to a complex, open, space-time system, intermediate between nature and society. Its conditions and dynamics are determined by natural processes and human presence in which local and regional alterations modify ecological processes and patterns of biodiversity. Conspicuou...
Peña Cortés, Fernando
Rebolledo Castro, Gonzalo
Hermosilla, K.
Hauenstein Barra, Enrique
Bertrán, Carlos
Schlatter, Roberto
Tapia, J.
[Dinámica del paisaje para el período 1980-2004 en la cuenca costera del Lago Budi, Chile : Consideraciones para la conservación de sus humedales]
[Landscape Dynamics for the period 1980-2004 in the Budi River and Lake coastal basin, Chile : Considerations for the conservation of its wetlands]
Landscape Dynamics for the period 1980-2004 in the Budi River and Lake coastal basin, Chile : Considerations for the conservation of its wetlands
Tapia, J.
Vicuña, Rafael.
[Synthetic Lignin Mineralization by Ceriporiopsis Subvermispora Is Inhibited by An Increase in the Ph of the Cultures Resulting From Fungal Growth]
Synthetic Lignin Mineralization by Ceriporiopsis Subvermispora Is Inhibited by An Increase in the Ph of the Cultures Resulting From Fungal Growth
The concentrations of Cd, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, Fe and Zn were determined in superficial sediments extracted from nine zones of Budi Lagoon, located in the Araucania Region (Chile). The concentrations of these metals were determined by flame atomic absorption spectroscopy and the method was validated u...
Tapia, J.
Vargas Chacoff, L.
Bertran, C.
Pena Cortes, F.
Hauenstein Barra, Enrique
Schlatter, R.
Valderrama, A.
Lizana, C.
Fierro, P.
[Accumulation of potentially toxic elements in sediments in Budi Lagoon, Araucania Region, Chile]
Accumulation of potentially toxic elements in sediments in Budi Lagoon, Araucania Region, Chile
A coastal-lake wetland is a type of inland water ecosystem that does not occur very frequently in Chile, of which lakes Budi, Huillinco and Cucao are examples. Textural differences were found in the various constituent parts of the coastal lake sediments. Gravel was the smallest fraction and show...
Bertran, C.
Vargas Chacoff, L.
Pena Cortes, F.
Mulsow, S.
Tapia, J.
Hauenstein Barra, Enrique
Schlatter, R.
Bravo, A.
[Benthic macrofauna of three saline-lake wetlands on the coastal rim of southern Chile]
Benthic macrofauna of three saline-lake wetlands on the coastal rim of southern Chile