IITA, the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, was established in 1976 as the first major African link in an integrated network of international research and training centres located throughout the developing regions of the world. Its...
Information which is generated but not disseminated in a form which is of use to those who need it is information wasted. Diffusion of new ideas, experiences, and technologies lies at the heart of sound development policy. In Kenya, the need to...
Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation
[L'innocuité des aliments garantie pour tous ?]
L'innocuité des aliments garantie pour tous ?
Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation
[Des critères de contrôle des résidus à redéfinir]
Des critères de contrôle des résidus à redéfinir
Les bibliothèques ont toujours abrité le savoir des sociétés. Aujourd’hui, elles ne sont plus juste surveillées par des bibliothécaires revêches, elles tiennent compte des besoins des usagers et sont prêtes
Valuing the Involvement of Civil Society in Enhancing the S&T Dialogue
The innovations developed by some farmers involved in sweet potato farming, goat production, layer poultry production and dry land vegetable and fruit farming were a
Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation
[Farmers as Innovators in Building Indigenous Knowledge Systems]
Farmers as Innovators in Building Indigenous Knowledge Systems
This dossier contains over 225 annotated links to information on intellectual property (IP) in ACP agriculture. It is intended for ACP policy makers and researchers who are confronted with the complexities of the various international treaties and agreeme
Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation
[Intellectual property in ACP agriculture: about this dossier]
Intellectual property in ACP agriculture: about this dossier