The savanna-woodlands of West Africa have been subject to disturbance by fire, grazing and tree cutting for centuries. Often the disturbance is severe, for instance when a thick patch of 4 m tall perennial grass catches fire late in the dry season or man decides to clear-cut an area. Fortunately ...
Savadogo, P.
Tiveau, D.
Sawadogo, L.
Zida, D.
Dayamba, Sidzabda Djibril
[Resilience of Sudanian: savanna-woodlands in Burkina Faso]
Resilience of Sudanian: savanna-woodlands in Burkina Faso
Fire, grazing, browsing and tree cutting are major anthropogenic determinants of vegetation patterns in African savannas. In Burkina Faso forest management policies prohibit grazing while recommending annual early fire and selective tree cutting of 50% of the merchantable standing volume on a 20-...
Zida, D.
Sawadogo, L.
Tigabu, M.
Tiveau, D.
Oden, P.C.
[Dynamics of sapling population in savanna woodlands of Burkina Faso subjected to grazing, early fire and selective tree cutting for a decade]
Dynamics of sapling population in savanna woodlands of Burkina Faso subjected to grazing, early fire and selective tree cutting for a decade
Fuel characteristics, fire behaviour and temperature were studied in relation to grazing, dominant grass type and wind direction in West African savanna–woodland by lighting 32 prescribed early fires. Grazing significantly reduced the vegetation height, total fuel load, and dead and live fuel fra...
Savadogo, P.
Zida, D.
Sawadogo, L.
Tiveau, D.
Tigabu, M.
Oden, P.C.
[Fuel and fire characteristics in savanna–woodland of West Africa in relation to grazing and dominant grass type]
Fuel and fire characteristics in savanna–woodland of West Africa in relation to grazing and dominant grass type
In West Africa policies for prescribed early fire and livestock grazing in the savanna woodlands are rarely based on long-term experimental studies. The inherently different management characteristics and their effects on the vegetation dynamics make landscape degradation a contentious issue. The...
Savadogo, P.
Sawadogo, L.
Tiveau, D.
[Effects of grazing intensity and prescribed fire on soil physical and hydrological properties and pasture yield in the savanna woodlands of Burkina Faso]
Effects of grazing intensity and prescribed fire on soil physical and hydrological properties and pasture yield in the savanna woodlands of Burkina Faso
Le bois énergie et le charbon de bois couvrent une bonne partie des besoins en énergie domestique dans les pays du Sahel : 92% au Burkina, 86% au Mali, 80% au Niger, 47% au Sénégal, 96% au Tchad, selon une étude de la Fao (1986). Les formations arborées (principalement des savanes) sont, de fait,...
Picard, N.
Ballo, M.
Dembele, F.
Gautier, D.
Kaire, M.
Karembe, M.
Mahamane, A.
Manlay, R.
Ngom, D.
Ntoupka, M.
Ouattara, S.
Savadogo, P.
Sawadogo, L.
Seghieri, J.
Tiveau, D.
[Evaluation de la productivite et de la biomasse des savanes seches africaines: l’apport du collectif savator]
Evaluation de la productivite et de la biomasse des savanes seches africaines: l’apport du collectif savator