The food system today is destroying the environment upon which future food production depends.
While the food system generates enough food energy for our population of over 7 billion it does not deliver adequate and affordable nutrition for all. About half the global population is inadequately or...
Garnett, Tara
Appleby, M.C.
Balmford, A.
Bateman, I.J.
Benton, T.G.
Bloomer, P.
Burlingame, B.
Dawkins, M.
Dolan, L.
Fraser, D.
Herrero, Mario T.
Hoffmann, I.
Smith, Pete
Thornton, Philip K.
Toulmin, C.
Vermeulen, Sonja J.
Godfray, H. Charles J.
[What is a sustainable healthy diet? A discussion paper]
What is a sustainable healthy diet? A discussion paper
Toulmin, C.
Bindraban, Prem S.
Borras, S.
Mwangi, E.
Saue, S.
[Land tenure and international investments in agriculture: A report by The High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition]
Land tenure and international investments in agriculture: A report by The High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition
Examines post-drought rehabilitation policies to aid recovery in livestock production and crop production, and the effects of drought on livestock and farming communities. Discusses the role played by reserves in mitigating a population's vulnerability to drought; and the macro-economic implicati...
Toulmin, C.
[Livestock losses and post-drought rehabilitation in sub-Saharan Africa]
Livestock losses and post-drought rehabilitation in sub-Saharan Africa
Examines decision making models formulated to guide the allocation of funds between alternative lines of research, issues emerging from the survey to the formation of ILCA's research policy, and various theories that account for the direction that research has taken in different contexts and revi...
Looks at the allocation of resources to livestock research in Africa. Assesses the role of agricultural research and its value to national governments. Investigates the appropriate criteria to use for decision making by comparing three kinds of decision-making models. Presents conclusions for pol...
Outlines the main effects of drought on crop producers and examines the effects of drought on crop producers and examines the effects of drought induced livestock losses on crop production and considers a range of policy measures aimed at rehabilitation of the farm sector in the post-drought peri...
Toulmin, C.
[Drought and the farming sector: Loss of farm animals and post-drought rehabilitation]
Drought and the farming sector: Loss of farm animals and post-drought rehabilitation
This paper examines post-drought rehabilitation policies to aid recovery in pastoral livestock production in Africa. It starts by describing the main impact of drought on livestock production and the sequences of this for the national economy. It considers the range of policy options open to gove...
Toulmin, C.
[Pastoral livestock losses and post-drought rehabilitation in subsaharan Africa: Policy options and issues]
Pastoral livestock losses and post-drought rehabilitation in subsaharan Africa: Policy options and issues
Food security is high on the global policy agenda. Demand for food is increasing as populations grow and gain wealth to purchase more varied and resource-intensive diets. There is increased competition for land, water, energy, and other inputs into food production. Climate change poses challenges...
Garnett, Tara
Appleby, M.C.
Balmford, A.
Bateman, I.J.
Benton, T.G.
Bloomer, P.
Burlingame, B.
Dawkins, M.
Dolan, L.
Fraser, D.
Herrero, Mario T.
Hoffmann, I.
Smith, Pete
Thornton, Philip K.
Toulmin, C.
Vermeulen, Sonja J.
Godfray, H. Charles J.
[Sustainable intensification in agriculture: premises and policies]
Sustainable intensification in agriculture: premises and policies