Examines post-drought rehabilitation policies to aid recovery in livestock production and crop production, and the effects of drought on livestock and farming communities. Discusses the role played by reserves in mitigating a population's vulnerability to drought; and the macro-economic implicati...
Toulmin, C.
[Livestock losses and post-drought rehabilitation in sub-Saharan Africa]
Livestock losses and post-drought rehabilitation in sub-Saharan Africa
Outlines the main effects of drought on crop producers and examines the effects of drought on crop producers and examines the effects of drought induced livestock losses on crop production and considers a range of policy measures aimed at rehabilitation of the farm sector in the post-drought peri...
Toulmin, C.
[Drought and the farming sector: Loss of farm animals and post-drought rehabilitation]
Drought and the farming sector: Loss of farm animals and post-drought rehabilitation
This paper examines post-drought rehabilitation policies to aid recovery in pastoral livestock production in Africa. It starts by describing the main impact of drought on livestock production and the sequences of this for the national economy. It considers the range of policy options open to gove...
Toulmin, C.
[Pastoral livestock losses and post-drought rehabilitation in subsaharan Africa: Policy options and issues]
Pastoral livestock losses and post-drought rehabilitation in subsaharan Africa: Policy options and issues