The limited genetic potential of indigenous cattle has often been quoted as a major constraint to beef and milk production in Africa south of the Sahara. Thus, considerable efforts have been and are being made to increase output through breeding programmes in many countries of the continent. Thes...
Trail, J.C.M.
[Merits and demerits of importing exotic cattle compared with the improvement of local breeds: Cattle in Africa South of the Sahara]
Merits and demerits of importing exotic cattle compared with the improvement of local breeds: Cattle in Africa South of the Sahara
Describes the main ecological zones of tropical Africa, mentioning the importance of cattle in each, production systems involved, and examples of the general types of cattle that can be maintained.
Presents findings of trials carried out in Uganda to characterize the indigenous Ankole, Boran and zebu cattle breeds as straightbreds for maternal traits and in crosses with exotic Angus and Red Poll males; includes data on calf crop, preweaning viability and calf weight at birth, weaning and at...
Trail, J.C.M.
[Crossbreeding indigenous East African cattle with American Angus and Red Poll]
Crossbreeding indigenous East African cattle with American Angus and Red Poll