This work focuses on a new approach to quantify the effects of above-ground earthworm's activity on soil erosion in steep slope ecosystems such as in Northern Vietnam. In these areas and in many others in the world, soil erosion becomes a major issue while the factors that determine it are still ...
Jouquet, Pascal
Henry des Tureaux, Thierry
Mathieu, J.
Doan Thu, Thuy
Tran Duc Toan
Orange, Didier
[Utilization of Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy (NIRS) to quantify the impact of earthworms on soil and carbon erosion in steep slope ecosystem: a study case in northern Vietnam]
Utilization of Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy (NIRS) to quantify the impact of earthworms on soil and carbon erosion in steep slope ecosystem: a study case in northern Vietnam
Although freshly formed or unaltered biogenic aggregates are easily recognized, identifying the origin of aggregates altered by physical and biological processes remains empirical and prone to error. The aim of this study was to distinguish between biogenic (BIO) and physicogenic (PHYS) aggregate...
Jouquet, Pascal
Zangerle, A.
Rumpel, C.
Brunet, D.
Bottinelli, N.
Tran Duc Toan
[Relevance of the biogenic and physicogenic classification: a comparison of approaches to discriminate the origin of soil aggregates]
Relevance of the biogenic and physicogenic classification: a comparison of approaches to discriminate the origin of soil aggregates
Jouquet, P.
Bernard-Reversat, F.
Bottinelli, N.
Orange, Didier
Rouland-Lefevre, C.
Tran Duc Toan
Podwojewski, Pascal
[Influence of change in land use and earthworm activities on carbon and nitrogen dynamics in a steepland ecosystem in Northern Vietnam]
Influence of change in land use and earthworm activities on carbon and nitrogen dynamics in a steepland ecosystem in Northern Vietnam
Chaplot, Vincent
Boonsaner, A.
Bricquet, Jean P.
Rouw, Anneke de
Janeau, Jean L.
Marchand, Pierre
Phommassack, T.
Tran Duc Toan
Valentin, Christian
[Soil erosion under land use change from three catchments in Laos, Thailand and Vietnam]
Soil erosion under land use change from three catchments in Laos, Thailand and Vietnam
This report identifies the driving forces for reforestation in three villages of Northern Vietnam. Using an institutional analysis focused on the rules governing upland access and use, the authors assess the relative impact of state policies (reforestation programs and forestland allocation) on l...
Clement, Floriane
Amezaga, Jaime M.
Orange, Didier
Tran Duc Toan
[The impact of government policies on land use in northern Vietnam: an institutional approach for understanding farmer decisions]
The impact of government policies on land use in northern Vietnam: an institutional approach for understanding farmer decisions
Earthworms are important regulators of soil structure and soil organic matter (SOM) dynamics; however, quantifying their influence on SOM cycling in tropical ecosystems remains little studied. Simulated rainfall was used to disrupt casts produced by Amynthas khami and their surrounding soil (cont...
Hong, Hanh Nguyen
Rumpel, C.
Henry des Tureaux, Thierry
Bardoux, G.
Billou, D.
Tran Duc Toan
Jouquet, Pascal
[How do earthworms influence organic matter quantity and quality in tropical soils?]
How do earthworms influence organic matter quantity and quality in tropical soils?
Podwojewski, Pascal
Tran Duc Toan
Agus, F.
Alamban, R.
Boonsaner, A.
deRouw, A.
[Effects of innovative agriculture systems on soil protection and erosion at a water-catchment level in 5 countries of SE Asia]
Effects of innovative agriculture systems on soil protection and erosion at a water-catchment level in 5 countries of SE Asia
Optical analysing technique is recently developed for soil erosion evaluation with high resolution digital camera with use of software programs such as Optilab Pro. This paper reports results from a study in Dong Cao (Luong Son, Hoa Binh, Vietnam). Results were obtained on digital images analysis...
Van Thiet, N.
Pomel, S.
Pham Quang, H.
Tran Duc Toan
Orange, Didier
[Ung Dung Phuong phap phan tich hinh anh de danh gia xoi mon dat, Optical analysing techniques for soil erosion evaluation. In Vietnamese]
Optical analysing techniques for soil erosion evaluation. In Vietnamese
Jouquet, Pascal
Bloquel, E.
Doan Thu, Thuy
Ricoy, M.
Orange, Didier
Rumpel, C.
Tran Duc Toan
[Do compost and vermicompost improve macronutrient retention and plant growth in degraded tropical soils?]
Do compost and vermicompost improve macronutrient retention and plant growth in degraded tropical soils?
Endogeic earthworms significantly modify soil aggregation and porosity, which in turn control water flow in soil. This study aimed to determine how the earthworm casting activity influences soil porosity and its dynamics. The main hypothesis was that the deposition of belowground water-stable cas...