Perú tiene una población de treinta millones de personas de las que el 22% vive en zonas rurales. Mujeres y hombres juegan roles esenciales en el ámbito rural del país pues ambos son productores, administradores de recursos, garantes de la seguridad alimentaria, tomadores de decisión y cuidadores...
Tafur, Mariana
Gumucio, Tatiana
Turin, C.
Twyman, Jennifer
Martínez Barón, Deissy
[Género y Agricultura en el Perú: Inclusión de intereses y necesidades de hombres y mujeres en la formulación de políticas públicas]
Género y Agricultura en el Perú: Inclusión de intereses y necesidades de hombres y mujeres en la formulación de políticas públicas
La maca (Lepidium meyenii) es una raíz andina a la cual se le atribuyen propiedades energéticas y estimulantes. En los últimos años el interés de mercados asiáticos dio lugar al “boom de la maca”, incrementando los precios y provocando la rápida conversión de pastizales altoandinos en tierras de ...
Turin, C.
Carbajal, M.
Zorogastua, P.
Chamorro, A.
[El boom de la maca, transformando paisajes y sociedades rurales de la zona altoandina.]
El boom de la maca, transformando paisajes y sociedades rurales de la zona altoandina.
High-altitude ecosystems shelter important reserves of biodiversity, water provision and soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks. Climate change, agricultural encroachment, overgrazing, and mining activities are endangering ecosystems sustainability, particularly in the high-Andean Puna. Increasing food...
Rolando, J.L.
Turin, C.
Ramírez, D.
Mares, V.
Monerris, J.
Quiróz, R.
[Key ecosystem services and ecological intensification of agriculture in the tropical high-Andean Puna as affected by land-use and climate changes.]
Key ecosystem services and ecological intensification of agriculture in the tropical high-Andean Puna as affected by land-use and climate changes.
Expansion of crop production into high-altitude native grasslands is occurring in the Peruvian High-Andes due to climate change and agricultural intensification, with little understanding of the consequences to the ecosystem. The objective of this study was to determine the impact of land-use cha...
Rolando, J.L.
Dubeux, J.C.
Ramírez, D.
Ruiz Moreno, M.
Turin, C.
Mares, V.
Sollenberger, L.
Quiróz, R.
[Land use effects on soil fertility and nutrient cycling in the Peruvian High-Andean puna grasslands.]
Land use effects on soil fertility and nutrient cycling in the Peruvian High-Andean puna grasslands.
Snyder, Katherine A.
Mapedza, Everisto
Haan, Nicoline C. de
Mango, N.
Turin, C.
[Workshop for Dryland Systems: ESA Flagships Eveidence-based Transformation]
Workshop for Dryland Systems: ESA Flagships Eveidence-based Transformation
Soil organic C (SOC), the largest terrestrial C pool, has been shown to be sensitive to agricultural disturbance. In the Andean Puna, agricultural expansion is thought to be jeopardizing the large SOC stock sequestered in its soils. In this paper, we assessed the impact changes in land use have o...
Rolando, J.L.
Dubeux, J.C.
Pérez, W.
Ramírez, D.
Turin, C.
Ruiz Moreno, M.
Comerford, N.
Mares, V.
García, S.
Quiróz, R.
[Soil organic carbon stocks and fractionation under different land uses in the Peruvian high-Andean Puna.]
Soil organic carbon stocks and fractionation under different land uses in the Peruvian high-Andean Puna.
India aims to produce 125 million tonnes potatoes in 2050 for ensuring food security to its natives and for achieving this massive target the country needs to explore non-traditional areas. Rajasthan in general and Jodhpur district in particular are dominated by the arid climate. The state in gen...
Rana, R.K.
Arya, S.
Kumar, S.
Singh, D.K.
Turin, C.
Mares, V.
Quiróz, R.
Kadian, M.S.
[SWOT analysis of potato cultivation under arid conditions in western Rajasthan (India).]
SWOT analysis of potato cultivation under arid conditions in western Rajasthan (India).