Tepary bean (Phaseolus acutifolius) is a legume crop that originated in the southwestern USA and central Mexico and is grown as far south as El Salvador. Today most tepary bean is produced by subsistence farmers for household consumption but wider use of this crop has potential to support climate...
Bioversity International
Universidad del Valle de Guatemala
[Frijol Tepari: cultivo nutritivo y resistente a la sequia para la adptacion climatica en Mesoamerica]
Frijol Tepari: cultivo nutritivo y resistente a la sequia para la adptacion climatica en Mesoamerica
Chaya (Cnidoscolus acontifolius) was domesticated by Mayan peoples in pre-Columbian times. Due to its high nutritive value, tolerance to heat and drought, and minimal care requirements, this native vegetable has potential to support more nutrition-sensitive food systems in Mesoamerica. This fact ...
Bioversity International
Universidad del Valle de Guatemala
[Chaya: Mayan vegetable enriching diets year round in Mesoamerica]
Chaya: Mayan vegetable enriching diets year round in Mesoamerica
Tepary bean (Phaseolus acutifolius) is a legume crop that originated in the southwestern USA and central Mexico and is grown as far south as El Salvador. Today most tepary bean is produced by subsistence farmers for household consumption but wider use of this crop has potential to support climate...
Bioversity International
Universidad del Valle de Guatemala
[Tepary bean: Nutritious and drought-hardy crop for climate adaptation in Mesoamerica]
Tepary bean: Nutritious and drought-hardy crop for climate adaptation in Mesoamerica