At the Paris climate summit in 2015, the World Business Council on Sustainable
Development (WBCSD) announced a set of 2030 ambitions under the three pillars of climate
smart agriculture (CSA), namely productivity, resilience and mitigation. Based on work under
WBCSD’s workstream to improve busi...
Vermeulen, Sonja J.
Frid-Nielsen, Snorre
[Measuring Progress Towards the WBCSD Statement of Ambition on Climate-Smart Agriculture: Improving Businesses’ Ability to Trace, Measure and Monitor CSA]
Measuring Progress Towards the WBCSD Statement of Ambition on Climate-Smart Agriculture: Improving Businesses’ Ability to Trace, Measure and Monitor CSA
This study assessed intermediate results of an investment intended to support climate change adaptation and resilience-building among farmers’ cooperatives in Rwanda. The assessment was based on a purposive sampling survey of farmers’ perspectives conducted in sites in 10 programme intervention d...
Rugege, Denis
Vermeulen, Sonja J.
[Investing in on-farm and post-harvest resilience to climate change in smallholder value chains: Lessons from Rwanda]
Investing in on-farm and post-harvest resilience to climate change in smallholder value chains: Lessons from Rwanda
The CCAFS Gender and Social Inclusion (GSI) Strategy is an update of the CCAFS 2012
Gender Strategy. The new strategy addresses gender as well as social inclusion for different
social groups while bearing in mind that women are central to agriculture in developing
countries. The CCAFS approach to...
Huyer, Sophia
Campbell, Bruce M.
Hill, Catherine
Vermeulen, Sonja J.
[CCAFS Gender and Social Inclusion Strategy]
CCAFS Gender and Social Inclusion Strategy