This handbook is a companion to Community seed banks: concept and practice: facilitator handbook by Ronnie Vernooy, Bhuwon Sthapit, and Guy Bessette (Bioversity International 2017). The three booklets
making up this handbook were written and designed for rural producers who are interested in esta...
Vernooy, Ronnie
Bessette, G.
Sthapit, B.R.
Gupta, A.
[How to develop and manage your own community seed bank: Farmers’ handbook. Technical issues: Booklet 2 of 3]
How to develop and manage your own community seed bank: Farmers’ handbook. Technical issues: Booklet 2 of 3
Six years have passed since the first national meeting of community seed banks in Nepal. Since then, Bioversity International and partners around the world have expanded their capacity development, research and policy advocacy efforts to make community seed banks and the emerging networks of comm...
Vernooy, Ronnie
[30+6 years of community seed banking around the world: a good start, but more to be done and learned]
30+6 years of community seed banking around the world: a good start, but more to be done and learned
This brief presents suggestions for the design and use of a community biodiversity register as a practical tool for communities to: (i) establish an inventory to allow monitoring of crop diversity and to document its associated farmer (traditional) knowledge, (ii) generate a collective sense of c...
Gómez César, M.
Sthapit, B.R.
Vernooy, Ronnie
[Safeguarding local crop knowledge: the use of community biodiversity registers]
Safeguarding local crop knowledge: the use of community biodiversity registers
This book documents the results of the research and capacity development efforts to implement the ITPGRFA in Nepal. Its chapters cover five main interrelated themes: national-level multi-lateral system policy development; policy actors and networks; germplasm flows and interdependence; farmers’ i...
Joshi, B.K.
Chaudhary, P.
Upadhya, D.
Vernooy, Ronnie
[Implementing the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture in Nepal: achievements and challenges]
Implementing the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture in Nepal: achievements and challenges
Estimates suggest that globally 80% of the seeds on which smallholder farmers in developing countries depend are produced by the farmers themselves or obtained through informal channels. This high level of farmer seed autonomy masks the fact that almost everywhere local seed systems and the diver...
Vernooy, Ronnie
Halewood, Michael
López Noriega, I.
Galluzzi, Gea
[New strategies and partnerships for the sustainable use of plant genetic resources]
New strategies and partnerships for the sustainable use of plant genetic resources
Although community-level seed-saving initiatives have existed in many countries around the world for about 30 years, they have rarely been the subject of systematic scientific enquiry. Based on a combination of a literature review and field research, we present a novel comprehensive conceptual fr...
Vernooy, Ronnie
Sthapit, B.R.
Galluzzi, Gea
Shrestha P
[The Multiple Functions and Services of Community Seedbanks]
The Multiple Functions and Services of Community Seedbanks
There is growing recognition that successful adaptation of agricultural production systems to
changes in climate will depend upon the improved access to, and use of, genetic diversity. In
order to facilitate this adaptation, new forms of interdisciplinary research, new technologies,
novel part...
López Noriega, I.
Galluzzi, Gea
Halewood, Michael
Vernooy, Ronnie
Bertacchini, E.
Gauchan D
Welch, E.
[Flows under stress: Availability of plant genetic resources in times of climate and policy change]
Flows under stress: Availability of plant genetic resources in times of climate and policy change
Vernooy, Ronnie
Espinoza, N.
[Metodología de mapeo, análisis y monitoreo participativo de los recursos naturales en una microcuenca]
Metodología de mapeo, análisis y monitoreo participativo de los recursos naturales en una microcuenca
Livestock farming by nomadic herders, always weather-dependent, remains the predominant rural livelihood in Mongolia. The project described in this chapter aimed to respond to herders’ demand for more timely and accurate localized weather forecasts as a means to reduce risks and improve planning ...
Hijaba Y
Vernooy, Ronnie
Jamba T
[Generating localized weather forecasts for nomadic herders in Mongolia]
Generating localized weather forecasts for nomadic herders in Mongolia
Since 2011, the CGIAR program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security
(CCAFS) has supported research in different parts of the world on how climate-smart
technologies, practices and information can address the challenge of transitioning to climatesmart
agriculture at a large scale under ...
Vernooy, Ronnie
Bouroncle, Claudia
[Climate-smart agriculture: in need of a theory of scaling]
Climate-smart agriculture: in need of a theory of scaling